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One day, I discovered a beautiful Spanish song and it gave me the inspiration to write this story!


Jinshi is devastated. No matter what he says, no matter what he does, it doesn't seem to awaken any feelings for him in Maomao. The only thing he can do is to keep his hope... right?


Like almost every day, Jinshi was sitting once again at his desk in his office. With the usual, never-ending mountain of paperwork and a cup of tea in front of him and his aide Gaoshun standing behind him like a shadow, hiding his hands in his sleeves. However, there was something amiss, something belying the apparent tranquility that was reigning in that room.

No, not the dark circles around Jinshi's eyes, even though they did seem even more pronounced than usual, a proof that he hadn't been sleeping well — or even at all — during the previous night once again. And neither was it the wind, blowing loudly outside, nor Gaoshun's furrowed brow.

It was the look in Jinshi's eyes as he was staring down at the document he was reading right now. Or rather, trying to read, since he just couldn't focus no matter how hard he tried and was forced to pass his gaze over the text again and again. But in vain. It was a look of devastation, of discouragement, mixed with several emotions, none of them a positive one, and accentuated even further by the way he was holding his brush, gripping it so tightly his knuckles had turned white. And also by his other hand that was lying on his desk, clenched into a fist.

Gaoshun was looking at him with worry. He knew his master basically since the latter's birth, so it didn't take long for him to understand that something bad must have happened, but chose to stay silent. He didn't know how he would be able to help, anyway, and, being a middle-aged man, was also feeling a bit too old to deal with a youngster's personal problems.

But Gaoshun's heart was not of stone, and seeing the young noble, who was like a third son to him, in such a state still pained him greatly. So after some pondering, he opened his mouth after all, especially since he noticed that Jinshi didn't seem to advance in doing his work that day at all.


Jinshi grumbled to indicate that he was listening, without turning around to face him.


"Are you perhaps feeling unwell? Should I summon Xiaomao to take a look at you?"

As soon as these words had left Gaoshun's lips, he saw his lord's body jerk violently, as if struck by an arrow.

"No. Don't. I'm alright."

It had sounded almost like a growl.

The line between Gaoshun's brows deepened even further, as he witnessed that unusual behavior. He knew it. Something must have happened. Something between Jinshi and the apothecary girl, for the young man would usually be overjoyed by the mere idea of seeing her. But now it seemed as if he didn't even want to hear her name.

"As you say, my lord."

But if Jinshi wished to pretend that it was nothing, then Gaoshun had no other choice than to play along. He couldn't force him to talk, after all.

After another few minutes of a tense silence enveloping the room, Jinshi's shoulders finally slumped. He let out a sigh.


The latter snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing his name.

"Yes, sir?"

"Would you mind leaving me alone for now? I will call for you when I need you."

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