A nap in the Jade Pavilion - Sequel

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More big brother Jinshi! This was really supposed to be just a very short sequel, but the ideas kept coming, and eventually it got almost as long as the first part! I love writing these cute scenes so much!

A nap in the Jade Pavilion - Sequel

It was a calm, peaceful afternoon. Maomao was sitting in a room of the Jade Pavilion on the floor with her elbows on her legs and her cheeks resting on her palms and silently observing the little princess, who was playing near her without a care in the world.

Consort Gyokuyou had invited Consort Lihua for tea and was now getting ready for the event with the other ladies-in-waiting helping her, hence Maomao had been tasked with watching Lingli once again. Which was actually quite a surprise after what had happened last time, to be honest.

Lady Gyokuyou really trusted her.

“After all, you already have saved my child’s life once,” the consort had told her.

“I guess I have,” Maomao thought, letting out a sigh and unconsciously rubbing the back of her head at the memory of the “very stern warning” she had gotten from Hongniang the evening before when she had been informed about today’s task. To make sure she would sleep properly during the night, so that something like last time wouldn't repeat itself.

The apothecary frowned slightly at the thought.

“I understand her concern, but she really didn't have to slap me that hard. I am not so careless as to let it happen again.”

Although she had to admit that she had been pretty lucky in that regard, having gotten away with a few mere slaps for neglecting such an important duty. It had been a really dangerous situation, because if something had happened to the imperial daughter for real while Maomao was asleep, it would have been the apothecary's fault alone, and she would have probably lost her head for that. Which would have been logical, she found. She was really, really lucky that Consort Gyokuyou was such a kind, understanding person and refrained from punishing her.

But why had Maomao been so exhausted that day in the first place?

Well, Lady Gyokuyou had been complaining about having trouble sleeping at night lately, thus, Maomao, as the passionate apothecary that she was, had made it her task to mix up the best sleep aid that wouldn't harm the consort’s unborn child. Hence, she had locked herself in her room just as nighttime came and started experimenting with different sleep-inducing herbs. And while doing that, she had gotten quite a whiff of her own concoctions which had resulted in a strong fatigue the next day.

Now, Maomao wasn't actually that susceptible to these kinds of things, especially not after all those years of testing remedies on herself, but a whole night of sniffing these herbs plus the lack of sleep did have an effect even on her.

However, she knew that this was no excuse. So again, she had been very lucky that nothing serious had happened.


Suddenly, the high-pitched voice of a child reached Maomao's ears. Snapping out of her thoughts, she lifted her head from her palms and noticed that Lingli was toddling over to her, holding a wooden animal in her hand and smiling widely.

Maomao smiled back. She wasn't very fond of children, but she had to admit that she did like the little one. Lingli was so cute she had managed to melt even Maomao's heart, which wasn't made of stone, even if it might seem so at first glance for those who didn't know her.

“What is it, princess?”

The little girl slumped down on the apothecary’s lap.


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