I hangout with my girlfriends little brother.

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She kicked my ass and I cried. Not because of physical pain but emotional distress.

I couldn't get her to like me. Ryan has to hug me until I stoped.

I walked out of that room, took one look at her, then forgot and forgave everything.

She cheeks were red after crying. Her eyes were a little watery. We walked to the production team together to see when we were need.

They told us they cut the kiss. Ryan had told me early on I might have to kiss y/n, but he wasn't sure. I told him 'ew!' That was a lie. 

She was mean, but pretty as hell.

I feel like I said something like "That would have been hell!" to cover up the fact that I was blushing.

She's been pretty since I first met her. I mean yeah-she grew up and I obviously am only attracted to this y/n now-but I've never had any bad thoughts on how she looks.

I exit the room quietly. I should go hangout with Nico.

I knock on the door.

He swings my open.

"Are you guys done...uh...kissing now?" He asks tentatively.

"Oh-uh-yeah." I say. I feel bad he walked in on that. Must've sucked to see his sister making out with someone.

Cant even imagine my big sister doing that. ew.

He motions for me to come inside and I do.

His room is painted dark blue, it's got a big window with a view of the city. He's got a twin sized bed with white sheets.

"How do you even do that anyways?" He ask me while we sit down.

"Do what?" I ask. Stare at the room or..?

"Kiss girls?" He asks

"Oh! Uh..." what am I supposed to tell him?! Just don't stick your tongue in her mouth when she's drugged? Make sure your hands are holding her up?

No, no. That's like making out stuff. I try to think of the first time y/n and I kissed.

I kinda just found her lips in the dark and pushes mine against them.

"Okay, well...do-do you know what kissing is like? Like the basic thing?" I ask him.

"Yeah. You just like put your lips on top of the other persons...?" He guesses.


(Guys I think it's super important to show vulnerability in all characters so)

Five minutes later I've explained how to actually kiss and the different ways of doing it.

"What even makes you wanna do that..?" He asks. Um...I don't feel like I should actually answer that. More age appropriate answer would probably be appreciated.

"Well...uh...when you get to be a little older...your b-" he cuts me off.

"are you gonna start talking about puberty?" He asks bluntly.

"Damn-how the fuck-" I clap a hand over my mouth. "Sorry." I tell him.

"Dude. I say bad words too." He laughs at my face. His 

I let out a sigh of relief. "Wait-who taught you about that? Some kid at school?" I ask him.

"No, y/n." He says.

"Y/n taught you about..puberty? Like-like y/n your sister? My girlfriend? How did she even explain that?" I say a little confused, and laugh at the last part.

"I have nooo ideaaa. Same way she knows how to buy me deodorant and underwear." He laughs and I do too.

"Okay, but dude don't-don't like bother her with that stuff. Just text me, okay?" I tell him.

"Yeah, wasn't planning on it." He snorts. "I um...don't really have a phone though." He rubs the back of his neck. "It'll be helpful that we're in the same house." He adds.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that." I smile "Hey, you ever seen South Park?" The smile turns to a smirk.

"Will I be in trouble if I say yes...?" He smiles softly and looks up at me.

"No. Because it's that or young Sheldon." I respond and click on the TV.

"I love young Sheldon! Kennas in it too." He tells me.

I ruffle his hair and he swats my hand away while laughing. He's a sweet kid. I'm gonna have fun living with him.

And spending Christmas together when y/n and I are married.

(Update really soon pookiess)

'Buzz off!' A Walker Scobell x readerWhere stories live. Discover now