chapter one.

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The sound of yelling could be heard through Sam and Colby's house. A tense feeling filled the air in the walls surrounding them.

“Two fucking weeks colby! What made you think it was okay to do that without talking to me first!” Sam shouted to his best friend after he had just figured out that he reserved the conjuring house for two weeks. 

“What made you think it was okay to go to the basement without me!?” Colby shouted back to sam. Same grew more agitated as he began to shout louder.

“Are you seriously bringing that up!? Thats not the fucking point of the argument get that through your thick fucking skull colby! Your makeing me go to the most terrifying place for two fucking weeks! You didn't even think to tell me!?” Sam shouted back to Colby, sighing angrily.

“Its not all fucking bad dude! We could actually find something, don't you get that!” Colby argued back his voice shaking, Sam didn't get pissed much and when he did it scared him.

‘We caught shit the last fucking time you moron! We don't need to go back for two weeks, you're crazy, I swear to god!” he said, lowering his voice, but keeping the continuous shout. 

“Dude come on! Can we talk about it beforehand?” Colby said not shouting.

“Goddamnit! FUCK!” Sam shouted scaring Colby a bit.

“Fine.” Sam said no longer shouting but his tone was tense and angry. Colby sighed as they sat down next to each other on the couch. 

“I'm sorry for not telling you man. That was stupid, I don't know what was going through my head but Sam, I want to do this with you.” Colby said looking at Sam who was clearly pissed off.

“Thank you for apologizing to me. Im down to go but man what you did was fucked up!” Sam said through gritted teeth.

Colby went to grab his hand to calm him down but Sam swung his hand away. 

“Dont fucking touch me. You pissed me off. When will we get there anyway.” Sam said, sighing.

“Two days,,'' Colby said quietly as Sam stood up with a blank look on his face. Colby knew he fucked up.

“Fuck you colby.” Sam said going to his room and slamming the door. The tension filled the house as Colby sighed and walked to his room. He pulled out his shit to start packing for the trip. He got the camera batteries, cameras, flash lights. All the filming shit.

He heard Sam in his room probably walking around or doing the same thing he was. Colby started packing his clothes and for like the 20th time searched his room for his hoodie. 

“Were the fuck did i put that thing.” He said to himself, he would ask sam to help him look but sam was pissed at him, for a very good reason.

Sam was pacing around his room pissed off. He wanted to go and scream at Colby but he decided not to. He punched a stuffed animal that looked at him the wrong way. He realized how stupid that was and set it back up and patted its head.

“Sorry,” he said. He then took a few deep breaths to calm down but he was still pissed. He laid on his back on his bed and groaned angrily. He looked at his phone and scrolled through tik tok and a colby edit landed on his for you page, He started laughing.

Then he watched it a second time around. Then a third…

Did he actually look like that in that video? God he pisses me off so much. Why does he have so many-

“SAM!” he heard Colby shout from the other room. He rolled his eyes and shut off his phone, the anger returning to him. 

“Fuck off!” he shouted back. 

Colby sighed. Knowing he deserved that, it still pissed him off though. Sam got back on his phone and scrolled past the edit. Watching other stupid shit to pass time. Colby finished packing already and continued looking for that hoodie. 

Im going to rip my head off were is that fucking thing. It's not here. Colby thought as he started searching around the house a bit annoyed that he couldn't find his shit. He eventually gave up and sat in his room trying to figure out how to make this up to sam. 

His phone rang and he checked that Sam had texted him.

sam<3: I'm going out, ttyl.

Colby left him on read as he heard him leave the house. He sighed, feeling like a huge asshole. Well he was a huge asshole for that. 

A few hours passed and Colby decided to get off his ass and try and find that hoodie for the 23rd time. He searched the house and sighed, opening sams door and searching in there. Looked around and after a few minutes he saw it on the headboard. He grabbed it, confused as to why it was in Sam's room. 

He heard the door to his room swing open and turned around seeing Sam standing in front of him.

“What the fuck are you in here for?!” he shouted.

“Why the fuck is this in your room?!” Colby snapped back.

“Because you probably left it in her dumbass! Get the fuck out of here and stop looking through my shit dude!” Sam shouted.

“Why the hell was it hung over your head board!” Colby shouted. 

“I dont fucking know! All i know is that you need to fucking leave before i do something me and you will both regret!” Samd shouted as Colby let out a frustrated groan and stomped out with the hoodie bumping shoulders with Sam as he walked past him.

“What the fuck was that for!” Sam shouted as he heard Colby slam his door. 

“FIne be like that!” Sam shouted slamming his door. 

He is so fucking stupid, but hes my best freind. Sam thought to himself, turning his lights off and going to sleep.

Two weeks at the conjuring (Solby) Where stories live. Discover now