Chapter 13

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Sam woke up first again they were on a couch again colby still looked pretty sick it looked like he was getting worse. Sam lightly placed his hand in his hair slightly petting him, almost. colbys eyes wrinkled and he started to wake up. 

“Sam?” Colby said, stuffing his head into Sam's chest.

“Yeah?” Sam said, still playing with colbys brown hair.

“Thank you for taking care of me.” Colby  lifted his head up his chin resting on Sam's chest. 

“It's no problem dude you're sick.” Sam said ruffling colbys hair as they both stood up.

Soon before they knew it they were midway into filming day 6. They had so much footage already and were planning to stop to get some food until Sam felt a cold air brush by him and all the hair on his body stood up.

“Go to the woods tonight.” A voice that sounded like colbys whispered in sam's ear but when he turned his head colby was across the room messing with the camrea because it kept turning off.

“Holy fuck this camrea keeps turning off!” Colby said, getting frustrated.sam was shaking s bit he could have just sworn colby whispered in his ear.

“Colby are you fucking messing with me right now?” Sam said  and Colby furrowed his brows showing Sam the camrea. 

“No I'm not, it keeps turning on and off.”

“No, not that colby.” Sam said feeling cool air behind him.

“What do you mean then?” Colby said, setting the camrea down as it still kept turning on and off. He crossed his arm in confusion.

“Did you whisper in my ear to come to the woods?” Sam asked, almost hoping the answer was yes.

“No.. Why?” Colby said, walking a bit closer to sam.

“I swear I heard you say ‘come to the woods tonight’ . It sounded just like you.” Sam said as Colby got closer and grabbed Sam and that it was freezing cold.

“I swear i didnt, you're freezing cold.”

“I keep getting these blasts of cold air..” Sam said again as the two boys  were now sitting on the floor next to each other. 

“Dude i think it might be the thing that was mimicking me last time we stayed here for a week.” Sam sighed as he heard Colby speak.

“It probably is.. We should take a break.” Sam said and Colby pulled Sam closer to him, hugging him a bit. Sam got flustered and the cold air felt like it went away. He felt safe at that moment. Colby was also a bit flustered by this and made him feel a bit better.

“Wanna take our break in one of the bedrooms then?” Sam said Colby got up and Sam followed behind. They laid in one of the beds straightly cuddling with one another.

“Have they been like this the whole 6 days?” a soldier asked as Abigail looked at him.

“Yes but I will still protect them no matter what. Honestly I think they deserve to find love with one another. I kind of knew this was going to happen anyway. Abigail said and the soldier shrugged his shoulders. 

“Why does that thing want them in the woods so bad?” The soldier asked.

“I'm not sure but I am not going out into the woods and I don't think they should bother but these kids never listen.” ABigail said, crossing her arms slightly. 

“Yeah they never do. Well I'm bored of watching them cuddle.” The soldier said going to a candle that was on a shelf.

“No don't let them_” Abigail was cut off by the sound of the candle hitting the floor and Sam and Colby jolting to sit upward.

The soldier was laughing and Abigail went downstairs. 

“Dude what the hell!” Sam said getting out of the bed, Colby following slowly behind him. 

“I think they want to talk to us.” Colby said a camrea in his hands. 

“Yeah let's go back downstairs..” Sam said as they went back downstairs to continue communicating.

They got hours of footage and it was getting later. Sam kept feeling dragged towards the woods. 

He felt like he had to go. He kept hearing things telling him to go and he would often space out.

Soon they decided to fish, filming and go to sleep.

But Sam had other plans. 

A/N: yall building up for a good next couple of chapters.

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