Chapter Thirteen

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Tony would have staggered back and fallen onto the floor if his desk hadn't been behind him. He sat back onto the hard surface with Abby's arms and legs wrapped around him.

Hotch eyed the newcomer carefully. From what he could see of her she had her own style. In that way, she was very much like Penelope. He wasn't able to form any more conclusions as she hadn't said anything apart from screaming Tony's name. He glanced over at Penelope and smiled. He remembered when he hired her. People had warned him that he would regret it and one day it would come back and bite him on the ass. So far that day hadn't come. She was one hire that he never regretted. Her searches had helped them out so often, finding leads that they needed to move forward with cases. Penelope Garcia had never let them down.

Tony slowly managed to untangle himself from his happy goth. A smile graced his face as he introduced old friends to new ones. He hoped that they got on, especially Gibbs, Reid and Hotch. He would like the four of them to spend time together outside of work.

'Abs, I'd like you to meet the BAU, they are Spencer Reid.' His smile brightened as he looked at the younger man. 'Aaron Hotchner, known as Hotch, Jennifer Jareau, everyone calls her JJ, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi, Derek Morgan and the wonderful ray of sunshine Penelope Garcia.'

The smile left Abby's face briefly at the introduction the last woman received, what was so special about her? Tony hadn't known her that long. She put the grin back on and waved at them all. 'Hi.'

'You're pretty wonderful yourself Tony.' Penelope walked over and pulled him into a tight hug. 'You're the best student a girl could ask for.

'Student? I though Tony was....' She suddenly stopped talking when Ziva and McGee appeared in her eye line. They still had no idea that he was now studying to improve himself.

'Penelope is helping me. She is teaching me the fine art of computers.' Tony turned to explain to Abby, one of his arms wrapped around the brightly dressed member of the BAU. 'She's designed an amazing movie trivia game that is a typing tutor, just for me.'

'You're learning how to use a computer?' Tim couldn't help but laugh, he then suddenly stopped when the other only person that is laughing was Ziva. The newcomers just glared at him. The look that scared him the most was the one he'd received from Gibbs.

' Tony's doing very well; it's a joy to teach him. It helps that we've also gone out to see a movie afterwards, so he is not overloaded with geek speak. I am hoping that we can make it a regular thing, even when this case is solved. I'd like to keep in touch. I don't want you to forget about me.' Penelope rested her head against Tony's shoulder.

'How could I ever forget about my computer Goddess? I love to go to movies with people who love them as much as I do. I think a regular movie date night sounds like a great idea.'

Abby didn't like how close Tony was with them especially with all the problems he was having with the troublesome twins. Would this make him want to leave NCIS? She took hold of her friends hand and tugged at it. 'If you asked me, I would've taught you about computers.' She pouted.

'Well, I didn't actually ask her. She overheard that I needed to take some courses, and she offered her wonderful services and I accepted. As amazing as It seems I am learning.'

'Did Vance threaten to fire you if you didn't improve your ability on computers?' Ziva tried to make it sound like a joke but failed.

'No, Agent David I didn't.' Vance suddenly spoke up, Ziva and McGee jumped as they hadn't seen him arrive. 'Agent DiNozzo is an excellent investigator. This agency needs people like him. What he is doing is working on an one of his weakest areas. You both should follow his example.' The director glared at them both.

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