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As I opened the door I found König already in the room. I saw the smirk in his eyes appear when he saw me.

"So. Would you like your arms or legs tied?" He asked me. A piece of rope in his hand, almost looking like the one from before.

"I have to get tied up again?" I groaned out, a little frustrated.

"Well, I'll make it fair and I will too. I'll do hands." He laughed out a little too menacingly.

"Fine, then I'll do legs." I sighed and soon watched him tie my legs up, after that I tied his arms behind his back.

As we got into the ring, we started to untie ourselves right when it started. Mine was a little easier since I could use my hands but when I looked up I saw that König was already done.

He didn't lunge at me like before, instead he took a different strategy. He was trying to catch the rabbit instead.

He went out to grab me a few times, but I was too quick. Soon, when he grabbed me again I took the chance to kick his ankles, again. He groaned in pain as he fell to his knees, I guess leg day paid off.

I took this opportunity and I used his own mask to his disadvantage. I choked him with it, and if he would try to move, it would rip.
He chuckled.

"Your quite the troublemaker aren't you?" He asked as he shook his head slightly.

He moved his head and his mask ripped, my grin slowly disappeared as all that was in my hands was a ripped black shirt. I looked up to see he had a baklava on himself.

With that he pushed me to the ground and straddled my legs just like yesterday. He obviously didn't put his full weight, not wanting to actually crush me.

"But I can tame even the wildest beasts.." He whispered with a smug smirk. I groaned and mumbled as he continued to tease me.

As I kept trying to weasel my way out. I had gotten another plan to get him distracted.

I kept squirming and weaseling for a few seconds before he grunted out, "Stop moving."

I knew my plan was working, he was getting worked up and I was gonna slip out right at the perfect time.
After a few more grunts and groans from him I finally decided that I was gonna try and push him off.

Surprisingly, it was easier, maybe because he was so worked up and distracted, but that was my whole plan. Sure, it was a little mean but I didn't care. I wanted to win.

"Next time don't leave my arms free." I smirked as he was under me this time.

He kept trying to buck his hips to get me off, but it wasn't working. I was gonna stay on like my life depended on it. After awhile he stopped trying to buck his hips, probably making him more worked up. Also apart of my plan.

I still held onto his waist with my legs, but my hands went up to his neck. He used him hands also to  try and push me off but I soon figured it out before him and slid my body right on top of his so he wouldn't be able to. I started choking him slightly, making him still able to breathe though.

"That's-" He grunted again. "Not how you choke people." He whined out.

My smirk became even bigger when I started actually choking him, not letting him breathe. He kept trying to get me off him but I wouldn't budge.

Finally after awhile I did come off with a firm push to the breasts again. My only weak spot. I whimpered in pain as I held my chest on the floor. He got up and soon picked me up by the collar with one hand, staring at my expression.

Soon, without any warning, the shirt slipped off me, and he was left dumbfounded with fabric in his hand just like me. Before he could talk, I pushed him back onto the ground with me, basically tackling him.

Before I could straddle my legs on him again, he bucked his hips and I caught myself with my hands, now in a crawling position. My bra almost to his face. Embarrassing. I quickly went to straddle his legs again.

"Bitting is aloud?" I asked him.

He looked a little shocked at first but then started nodding his head and me slowly, wondering what I had in mind.

A few moments later, he kept trying to use his hands to escape, so I bit his forearm since he wasn't in gear, it wasn't hard to the point he lost blood, but hard enough for him to stop.

"More of a weapons kind of guy?" I asked him as he took a breather and just sat on the floor with my body weight on top of his hips.

"Yea." He grunted out, clearly being uncomfortable and making me have even more power in the situation. Leaving him no mercy.

He quickly shouted something out in German, sounding professional and kinda worried honestly. I got startled and looked at the door, for a second, my feet were no longer connected to his body.

He took the opportunity and pushed me onto my back, I looked surprised. He turned me onto my stomach and then grabbed my hair, making me look up at him as he leaned in front a little so I could see his mask covered face.

"Your a little sneaky aren't you? But rule one, don't fall for my tricks." He snickered, knowing he wasn't yelling to anyone. I could literally feel his bulge on my pants.

I couldn't help but stay silent, and just look at him dumbfounded, again. We were both a sweaty mess already and I thought my plan was going smoothly- I mean it must've because of the bulge, but still.

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