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I let out an annoyed groan for letting myself fall for his tricks again. I felt like giving up. No! If this was a real fight, would I give up?

"Ready to give up, rabbit?" He asked in a sly tone as he snickered slightly, he knew he had me exactly where he wanted me. Worst part was that I couldn't do anything about it.

As one of his hands gripped my hair to make me look up, the other gripped the elastic of my pants so I couldn't move, he knew I wasn't gonna take of my pants. Or was I?

Was I so desperate to win this fight against him? Was it all worth it for my competitive trait?

So that's exactly what I did, I army crawled quickly out of the pants, halfway through, I yanked my head back. God it hurt like hell but it worked since his body weight fell on mine. The only thing holding him in that position was his legs.

He tumbled onto me slightly but I slid out of the pants only to be wearing shorts. Yea, I guess I am sneaky, huh König?

I crawled my way up, barely able to stand on my knees but I did.

"I win. I don't care." I said as I sounded like I was about to pass out.

He shook his head, "not until you beat the enemy."

What? After all this I have to beat him? I could barely keep my eyes open from passing out and this shit?

I threw a hard punch to his ribcage. Thump. A barely audible thump was all that was heard before my upper body also gave up and fell on his chest. Awkward.

After a few seconds he finally shook me a little.
"Are you okay?" He laughed out, a little shocked.

"Even if I wanted to get up, I can't, literally." I sighed out as I just laid there motionless on top of him, with only a bra and shorts on.

"Okay." Is all he said as he got up while carrying me bridal style. Okay? That's all? After all that fighting and he's not worn down the slightest?

He set me down on one of the tables as he got out of the ring with me. He handed me my shirt and pants but I didn't put it back on.

"It's too damn hot in here." I breathed out as he just stared at my body, laying on the table. Almost like he had a smirk on his face under his baklava.

"I'm not sure your really the winner, I'm not even that tired yet." He asked as he let me regain my breath and strength.

"Uh-huh. I obviously beat you, you didn't hear the thump?" I sounded serious while I laid there.. and he was barely hurt from it.

He let out a chuckle and shook his head. "Do you want me to carry you to your room, your majesty?" He asked sarcastically.

"Actually, that sounds great." I smirked as I lifted up my hands, asking him to carry me.

He rolled his eyes at me playfully before picking me up like a baby, my legs were around his waist, my stomach touching his chest, and I put my arms around his chest.

As he held onto my waist, not wanting to make it awkward by putting them anywhere else, he walked kind of slow. Almost like he wanted to take longer.

He carried my shirt and pants along with him, everyone that he passed gave him this smirk, almost like they thought we did something. But we didn't, not my fault he wanted to fight me.

As we finally arrived to my room, I looked for my keys but I guess he had already taken them because the door opened up and he set them on the table. As he closed the door I was still on him like a koala.

"So, you really can't walk, hm?" He mumbled quietly, not knowing if I was asleep since my head was on his shoulder.

"Mhm.." I murmured as he set me down on the bed.

"You know, it's not even that dark out yet, it's only 5." He snickered as he knew I was tired and hurt.

"Yea, and what do you want me to do? Go to the bar?" I rolled over slightly and looked at him, frustrated all of a sudden.

"Whoa, calm down." He paused for a second. "Well, I was just trying to recommend that we do something to lighten your mood since you ' won '." His words trying to manipulate me to feel better.

"Are you asking me on a date?" I laughed as I looked into his eyes, they looked embarrassed now.

"I never said that." He scoffed as he got a little defensive.

"Aw, well thats too bad because I never said I would turn you down.." I smirked mischievously. He got a chair and sat down next to the bed.

He tried to read my expression. "Fuck, fine. What do you like? Indian? Mexican?"

I rushed to sit up in bed, almost jumping out in the process as I just said a few minutes ago I couldn't move.

"Hmm.. Indian will do." I gave him a cheeky smile, knowing I just got a free dinner.

He sighed. "You know how to play with guys too, huh? Alright let's go." He got up out off the chair and put it back.

"Um. What? Dressed like this?" I asked them pointed to us, he had a tanktop and sweats on and I still just had my bra and shorts on.

He groaned as I kicked him out of my room, told him to be back in 15 minutes and put something nice on.

Little RabbitHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin