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I woke up to a loud ass alarm sound coming from my phone. I forgot that I have to do work tonight. I groaned and got up. I fell asleep in my scrubs so luckily I didn't have to go and change. I got up and went to the fridge to grab some leftover pasta from last night. I put it in the microwave and waited for the timer to go off.

I picked up my phone and saw that Melo had texted me. He just sent me a few texts thanking me about helping out with his arm. I smiled at the texts because I was happy that he put the effort in to actually text me. 

The microwave beeped and I grabbed the pasta. I grabbed a fork and sat down at my kitchen table. I was scrolling on my phone while eating the pasta until I saw that it was already 6:00 pm. 

How?! I just got up!

I quickly got my shoes on, grabbed my purse, and ran out of the door. I was supposed to be at the stadium early since it was my first day but of course I ran late. I run late to almost everything, it's starting to become a problem.

I jumped in my car and quickly started driving to the stadium. Luckily the drive is only five minutes and when I arrived to the stadium it was 6:07 pm. I was supposed to get here at 6:10 pm so I actually was early.

I walked over to Johns office so he could give me some directions. 

"Hi Skyla." John said as I walked into his office. "You ready for your first game?"

"Uh yeah. A little nervous." I said.

"You'll do great. I saw how you handled Melos arm. Plus, I doubt anyone will get injured tonight. They rarely do." 

I just gave him a small smile. In reality I was shitting my pants. Giving out massages and having to deal with injuries on an NBA team is pretty nerve wracking. If I touch the wrong spot they player can get in some serious pain. I just need to be careful.

John guided me down to the players so I could introduce myself and loosen up any tight muscles that they might have.

We arrived outside of the locker room and John informed me to wait so he could gather all of the players. I looked so stupid waiting outside just swinging my arms back and forth. Eventually, John came out and motioned for me to come in.

"Guys, this is the team's new physical therapist, Skyla." John stated. "I want you guys to show her lots of respect." 

The team clapped and greeted me.

"Hi everyone," I said. "If you have any worries before the game feel free to let me know."

The game had just started and I was watching on the sidelines. I had a few people coming up to me before the game and I felt so professional. I stretched out lots of peoples arms and gave out some massages. I was proud of myself because the players said they didn't feel anymore pain or any tightness.

I saw Melo pass the ball up to Nick Richards and he dunked it. I got up and started clapping. Melo glanced over at me and I saw him smiling. Melo was playing amazing, possibly the best on the team. But that's pushing it.

The game ended 121-103 us. No one got injured which made my job super easy. The coaches gathered the players and had a talk with them. Everyone ran off to go to the locker room and get changed. I went to go head out of the stadium so I could get back and go to bed. I was so tired and ready to take a long ass sleep. 

I heard footsteps approaching me and I turned around to see a smiling Melo. 

"Good job today." I smiled.

"I dedicate my shots to you." He winked.

I laughed. "Well I'm flattered."

"You want to go get dinner?" Melo asked.

In all honesty I didn't want to go get dinner but since it was Melo it's ok.

"Sure." I said.

"Yes or no. I don't accept sures." He narrowed his eyes.

"Yes Melo, I'll go." I smiled.

"Well we're going to chipotle so come on." He said

"But I drove here Melo." I said.

"That's ok, we can drive separate." He smiled. "I didn't know you wanted to be in the same car as me so bad." He winked.

"Oh my god." I rolled my eyes. "I'll race you there!"

I called out before running to get out of the stadium. I turned my head to see Melo gone. 

Well that's weird.

I got into the parking lot and Melo's car was nowhere to be seen. I figured he must've parked somewhere else because how did he get in his car before me. I put in the chipotle into my google maps and started driving.

I arrived at chipotle to see Melo leaned against his car while scrolling on his phone.

"How?!" I exclaimed.

"You're just slow." He winked.

"Whatever, let's go."

We walked inside and I got my go to order. I sat down and waited for Melo to finish ordering. We sat at a table by the window that was in the corner. Not many people were there so it wasn't too loud.

"What did you think of your first official day?" Melo asked.

"Well, it wasn't too bad. I was nervous to loosen up peoples muscles but they were all pleased." I replied.

"How did I play?" Melo said.

"You played amazing Melo, as per usual." 

He smiled at me and took a big bite of his burrito. I saw the toppings spill all over him as soon as he took a bite.

I laughed at him as he quickly grabbed a napkin to clean the mess up. 

"So when does coach get back?" Melo asked.

"Oh he gets back with my brother on Thursday." I replied.

"Brother? You have a brother?" Melo questioned.

"Yeah, he's only five." I said.

"What's he like?" Melo asked.

40 minutes later

We spent so long in the chipotle. We were just talking about out lives and I've really gotten to know Melo. He told me about his high school and his parents. He was so easy to talk to and he made it seem like he actually cared for what I had to say.

"Well I'll see you later Sky." He said.

I went in to hug him and he immediately hugged me back. His grip around me was tight and I never wanted to let go. He smelled nice because he had taken a quick shower before we left. I could smell his cologne and it was really nice.

Eventually we pulled away from the hug and I was looking him in his eyes.

"Have a good night Melo." I said.

He grinned, "You too Sky." 

I walked away from him and into my car. He really is special. I want to be with him every second of the day. It's kind of scary...


I had a basketball scrimmage today and so much spanish homework. I will try and release a longer chapter tomorrow but I have a basketball game. 😞

BUT, be expecting lots more Melo and Skyla action.


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