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[Luca POV]
I got woken up at seven to get ready, and since Dady taped the schedule up on the wall in the hallway, I went to go look at when I needed to do what. Since I followed it to the exact minute, I was waiting by the door from 7:40-7:45, and instantly told Dady when it hit. So, safe to say, we were on time.

It was after nap, but before dinner, when Carter took us outside to go play. I was coloring on the front steps by myself since Carter ran Sage inside to go get her stuffie. I didn't mind being on my own and was super focused on my coloring book, so I didn't notice a car pull into the driveway until it was only a couple feet away. Just by looking at the color, I knew it was Kayden. I was too shocked to do anything until he opened his driver door. I stood up as soon as he stepped out, tripping over the top step. I didn't know what else to do other than scream.
"Carter!" I shrieked, hoping he heard me. Kayden didn't waste a second before grabbing my hair and hitting me across the face. I instantly felt warm blood drip down my face and tasted something metallic. I screamed as loud as I could again since Carter wasn't out here, which really pissed Kayden off.

"Don't fucking scream!" He yelled at me, hitting my head off the concrete porch. I thought he was gonna kill me. He was sure as hell capable, physically and mentally. My head ached so badly. It was like a migraine, but worse. I was dizzy, and my vision was blurring in and out. Finally, the front door slammed open, and I heard Carter yell, "Get the fuck off him!" Kayden stopped for a second, hit my head against the ground one more time, and got up from off me.
"Luca, baby, just stay still," He told me as Kayden door slammed shut. My consciousness was fading in and out, but I tried to stay awake. I was crying hard. It hurt so fucking bad. It felt like my skull was cracked. I felt Carter firmly grab my hand.
"You're okay," He assured me, "We're getting help,"

I tried my best to keep my eyes open, but I felt so tired. Currently, the pain was coming and going. It would lessen for a second, and then come back worse. I was terrified of what was wrong. Am I gonna die...? I won't get to say goodbye to Jacob...
"Hey, you hear the sirens? They're almost here. I promise. Not even one more minute," Carter tried to tell me. He was sitting next to me, his face over mine. He was really blurry.
"Ow," I cried, feeling my head start to ache again. They were getting louder.
"Can you see me?" He asked, making me mumble a 'kinda'. I wanted to move, but Carter quickly held me down.
"Don't move, hun," He mumbled before I saw his head turn down the driveway. I heard the sirens right next to me. They hurt my ears, but I didn't complain. I heard two voices I didn't recognize before I saw someone over me with a dark blue uniform.

"Hey, we're gonna pick you up, okay? We gotta get you to the hospital to get you checked out," a girl told me before I felt her and someone else lift me onto a stetcher.
"Am I bleeding?" I asked, hoping she heard me.
"You're nose was. And head was just a little bit," She said, making me feel a million times better.
"Are you riding with us?" Someone asked. I heard Carter answer, but I didn't hear what he said. I just heard his voice. They lifted me again, and I heard some clicking before a door slamming shut.
"I wan Jacob..." I cried, stretching my arm out.
"I'm... It..." was all I could make out of Carter's response. I was too tired to focus.

It didn't take long for the ambulance to stop and for the EMTs to push me down a hallway.
"Can you sit up for us?" One of them asked, so I pushed myself up, resting on my hands.
"Alright. Let me help you step down," They said, moving my legs to the side of the stretcher and helping me step down. The lights were dimmed in the hospital room. Everything was starting to be clearer, and I could hear fine. I blinked a couple of times, and my vision focused back in. So I really don't know what he hell was happening with my senses. When, who I assumed to be a doctor came in and started to check me out, I honestly just wanted to take ibuprofen and go home. I want Jacob.
"Okay, we're just gonna make sure you don't have a concussion," She said, taking a dim flashlight and looking at my eyes. She did a couple of things that I didn't know the purpose of before checking my head. She started to ask me a bunch of questions, writing things down and making me squeeze her hand.

Only a couple minutes into this, I saw Jacob open the door to the hospital room and step in before sitting down next to Carter. I tried to keep my focus on her, but it was difficult to pay attention to anything right now.
"Okay. It seems like you've got a minor one. So that means when you go home, you've gotta rest. So, for a couple days, no screens or electronics, no exercise, no physical activity, no driving, and nothing that takes a lot of energy. You've just got to rest for a while," She said. "We'll get you an ice pack for your head, but that should be about it,"

I really don't know how long that all took, but they eventually got me an ice pack to hold on where I hit my head and discharged me.
"C'mere, Baby," Jacob whispered. Carter left a little bit after Jacob got here since he still had Sage to worry about. I think Carter told her Daddy what happened and asked him to pick her up early. Jacob scooped me up to carry me out to the car, and I just laid my head on him. He sat me in the truck and buckled me before very gently kissing my face.
"I love you, baby," He whispered before shutting my door and getting in on his side. I couldn't help but think that I was some type of bad luck charm. I'm who Kayden doesn't like, and Jacob shouldn't have to deal with this when it's only caused by me. I also felt awful that Carter got pulled into this. And so did Sage.

"Dady, I'm sorry..." I quietly apologized as he parked outside our apartment building.
"Baby, you shouldn't be sorry for anything. None of this was your fault," He told me, starting to tear up.
"It's nobody's fault other than Kayden's. You didn't ask for him to do that, Bubba. You don't deserve to be hurt," I saw tears start to run down his face, so I reached over and gently wiped them.
"You're so sweet, baby..." He whispered before getting out, coming to my side, and picking me up.
"I can walk if you want me to..." I offered after he stepped into the apartment complex.
"You don't want me to carry you?" He asked, making me mumble a no and cling onto him.

"Do you want me to order dinner, Bug?" He asked, sitting on the couch with me in his lap. He pulled off his hoodie, leaving him in a black wife beater and work pants. I know I had a problem with being called Lovebug, but Bug is different. Only Jacob's ever called me that, even though they're similar.
"Yeah... 'M hungry," I mumbled, starting to gently teeth on him.
"What kinda food do you want?" He softly asked, making me think for a second.
"Ummm... Dady can pick," I mumbled. I was hungry, but not for anything in particular.
"You sure?" He asked, picking up my ice pack from the coffee table and handing it to me. I guess the break from the icepack was over. See, the hospital sent us home with a paper on what to do for my head. Like keep ice on it for a day or two unless I'm sleeping and to take a 15-minute break for every 45 minutes that I have it on. They also said for me to sit up unless I'm sleeping and that for the first 24 hours, Dady has to make sure I'm still thinking okay before I go to bed.

[Jacob POV]

"Yeah. I don wanna choose," Luca mumbled, starting to bite me rougher.
"You can't eat me, Bug. That's why I'm getting dinner," I said, making him giggle.
"Eat you," He said, continuing to chomp down on my shoulder. After almost 10 minutes of me picking where to get dinner from and putting the order in, he shifted in my lap and looked up at me.
"Blankie...?" He softly asked, making me realize he left his stuff at Carter's house.
"Aw, baby. You'll be okay tonight. You can sleep in my clothes to keep you warm instead," I offered, knowing he'd eat up the idea of being able to get comfy in my PJ'S.
"Yeah... Dady's jammies," He agreed, starting to mess with my free hand.

I ended up getting chick-fil-a. I know they're homophobic, but God damn, they have some good ass chicken. I got Luca a plain sandwich, mac n cheese, and lemonade. Y'know, go with the safest bet.
"If I play a movie on my phone, you just have to listen. Okay?" I reminded him when he complained it was quiet. He agreed, so I played a Disney movie he'd seen 18 times, at least. Which happened to be the movie Hercules. I finished eating somewhere close to half an hour into the movie and noted that Luca was spaced out, biting the spoon in his mouth.
"Luca," I said, resting my hand on his thigh. He snapped back to reality, taking the spoon out of his mouth before asking to go night-night.
"Do you know what today is?" I asked, making him look at me weird and give me a little 'Wednesday'.
"How old are you?" I asked, "Big. How old are you big?"I clarified, making him smile before telling me 21.
"Okay. Let's go get you in my jammies," I decided, standing up and carrying him to the bedroom.

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