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Rising on shaky legs, my vision blurs for a second and I pull in deep breaths and exhale through my mouth a couple of times until the spell clears. The sharp sensation in my neck soon dissipates, and the nausea settles before heading on its way out, and I'm left to free stand without the need to hunch over. Searching left and right, there's no sign of anyone, and it's giving me the creeps. It reminds me of a desert, and I'm the one stranded.

Wrapping my arms around my midsection, I trudge on with bare feet and call out, "Hello?"

There's no answer, and it makes my hopes shorter each time I holler. I have a feeling I could keep going and no one will ever get back to me—

"Hey, Blondie!"

Pivoting on the spot, I don't see the owner of the voice at first, but when I do, I really see them. My eyes widen, and I'm praying he honestly means me and no one else—even though I can't see anyone else.

Pointing at myself, the figure comes closer until he's a handful of metres from me. "Me?"

He nods, and his shaggy mop of ash brown swishes with the movement. "You're the only cute blonde around here," he notes, and there's humour lighting up the green of his irises. "You're definitely new, I haven't seen you around before, and I've seen nearly everyone here." Running a hand through his hair, he then scratches at his cleanly shaved jaw. "What's your favourite book? I guess if you're a book worm, I wouldn't have found you in here."

This is different. I've never had a dream like this before.

"You're looking at me kind of strange. . . you don't think this is a dream, do you?"

A nervous laugh comes first, and I find my voice soon after. "What else would this be?"

His eyes flick between both of mine before his brows crease in the middle, and then his eyes widen all together. "No way, you're actually new! I haven't seen a newbie in. . . I try not to remember." He waggles a finger. "Let me guess, fell asleep with your phone? That's a common one."

My mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water as I try to process his words as he rambles on, and I'm starting to wish I never called out. He's a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

Turning on my heels, I'm about to walk away when he appears in front of me with those bright green eyes.

"Hey, maybe this will help." He pinches my arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"

His brows dip again. "Isn't that what you normally do when you think you're dreaming?"

He got me there.

"And it hurts?"

"Of course it does, you pinched me!" I exclaim.

A grin tugs at his lips. "That means you're wide awake, Blondie."

"No, it doesn't," I blurt.

A chuckle passes his lips as a challenging expression highlights his features. "Let's do this, Blondie."

He pinched me again, got me to count all my fingers and toes, and the rest I'm sure is a bunch of nonsense. But I'm a sceptic, and I'm scared to even consider this being real.

Maybe if I close my eyes and throw myself backwards, I'll wake up.

Bracing myself, I squeeze my eyes shut as tight as I can and let myself fall backwards. There's the brief fall, and then pain from landing square on my back. Groaning, I sit up and glare at the grinning man towering me.

Code: R |ONC 2024|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ