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"You don't look so good, are you alright?" he asks, meeting my gaze and helping me stand straight.

The moment I'm upright, my stomach flips and sinks. Groaning, I try to hunch over, but he doesn't let me. "I think I've done too much running," I offer, trying my best to smile but it feels as if a wave of the flue has hit me along with the aftermath of a bite from bad chicken.

His green eyes cloud with worry as he scans me from head to toe, and I inch off when his hands try to cup my face. I can't have him that close for fear of what it will do to me. I'm scared I'll try something, and terrified he'll object. Worse, he will want it too.

His hand slides to my wrist and I yelp, trying to pull back from the sharp sting it gives. Tears prick my eyes, and his hand jerks back before carefully turning my arm over. We stare down at the fair patch of skin, but it's now blooming a blotchy red. He sucks in a sharp breath and ushers me to the side, but everything is wavering.

"P-Pixel. . . my eyes, I can't see clearly," I whimper, trying to rub them as he guides me almost blindly. I'm not sure what App we're in, and I'm scared I can't see. It's dark here, that's for sure, but I trust that he knows the way.

"I'm going to pick you up, OK?"

Nodding, I squeak when my legs are swiped from under me, and I'm cradled in a warm chest. His scent envelopes me, and the heat is making me drowsy. I'd give anything to curl up right now and fall asleep, but I can't because we have things to do. One of them being my Recovery button.

Everything burrs as my body sways, taking deep breaths to keep the contents in my stomach in, I shut my eyes until my body has the case of the jitters.

Breathing out harshly, I gasp, "S-so, hot. . . I'm hot."

There's a crash as my body jolts, then a slam of something behind us. I can make out a dim halo of light through the ceiling, and the distinct smell of damp wood. Moaning, I clutch onto Pixel's shirt as I writhe, hating the growing heat within my body. It comes in pulses, like an electric current in my veins. I'm lowered onto the floor, and there's rustling. Finding him is useless.

A cry falls from my lips, my body crumples over itself as I curl up on the cold floor. It's a little damp, but it's helping the feverish heat consuming my skin. My mouth dries, and everything beneath my skin feels like it's on fire and I'm about to combust.

"It's going to be alright, I got you," he whispers, scooping me up for the second time. "Blondie, you're going to have to trust me, OK?" he asks, the sensation of my body slipping over something ridged, and I'm being hoisted further away from the floor.

"Y-yes. . ."

A gasp comes from me as freezing water envelopes me, instantly battling the heat and making my teeth chatter. Sobbing, I stare at his face as he cradles me close to him. "It hurts. . . make it stop."

Hushing me, I feel a flash of pain, across my wrist, then something warm over it. Weakly holding my eyes open, the blurry image of Pixel clutching my arm to him startles me. Protests fall from my lips, but he doesn't stop until he pulls away to spit something over the edge of whatever we're in. Pixel's quick to repeat it two more times before hoisting me closer to his chest, and other than his comfort, there's still an uneasiness inside me.

Groaning, I push away the best I can to lean over the edge, and I choke as I hurt everything out onto the floor below. I can feel his hand soothingly trace up and down the length of my back while the other holds my hair back. My insides hurt, and it scares me because I can't control it.

Flipping me over, I rest my head on his chest, hearing the strong heartbeat behind his ribcage. "W-what's wrong with me?" I whine, clutching his arm to me as I float against his body.

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