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Once we're on the other side, my hands can't stop shaking, and my legs are threatening to turn jelly on me. Sucking in deep breaths, the narrow brick way stretches far ahead, the cobles are stained and mangled with green, the sides are bordered by the same material with extra vines winding up and snaking through the overhanging branches.

I'm not going to make it

". . .Blondie, hey, are you with me?"

Snapping my gaze onto Pixel, his brows are pinched in the centre as he rakes his eyes over me. Mine drop down to see his hands are cupping mine, his thumb tracing the curve of mine. His eyes don't lift from me, even when I shy away and retreat into myself.

"What's the matter? You can talk to me," he coos.

I shake my head, the unshed tears pricking the corner of my eyes. "Pixel, I-I've never been good at this game. I'm not going to make it."

I'm jerked forward, and my breath lodges in my throat. His body is warm and firm against mine, and it feels weird to be this close to another man. The hardness against my front is man made, and when my hand brushes it, my touch labels it as some sort of protective vest, and it makes me curious to what's hiding behind it or why he needs it.

Embarrassed by my own mind, I lean away but he doesn't let me go. He's holding on too tightly for a comforting hug, and it has my emotions on a flip as I try to imagine what's running around in his thoughts right now.

"Blondie, listen to me," he starts, voice sterner. "I'm not going to leave you trapped down here, especially on this level. If you lose a life, I'll keep coming back and I will make sure you get out of here."

Even though his voice is strong and convincing, I'm not sure if he's trying to convince just me.

"Hold my hand."

My eyes widen at his outright request, and he easily catches the glow on my cheeks when his lip curves up.

"Don't worry, I won't bite. . ." Pixel's sight drops lower for a moment until his lip is trapped between his teeth, and it has my stomach twisting in a way I've never felt before, but we both snap out of the weird mood as we slowly turn to face the length of brick we've got to race down.

"Promise me you won't leave me if I fall?" I whisper.

His hand squeezes mine, and he answers in the same tone, "Never."

A fresh breath of air works its way past my lips, and I set my mind on the task at hand and not the strange man beside me. Strange, but welcomed. Giving him the countdown, we both kick off on one, and we're sprinting for our actual lives as a loud roar echoes behind us, now drowned out by the temple music.

Risking a look over my shoulder, there's a lanky grey creature with a slender snout full of razor teeth, and a hand containing equally nasty talons. I can imagine its foul breath, the heat of it and the agonising feel of its claws digging into flesh. Tears blur my vision as Pixel yells for me to not look back, but little does he know I've seen the animal that's going to deliver the end.


We both roll under an uprooted tree, the trunk winding over the pathway, itching to catch us. Vines threaten to wrap around my ankles, slick moss eager to slip me up, and branches asking for the changes to poke at us if we don't make a fast turning. With each corner we round, confidence seeps in, and there's no sign of the creature on our tails. Pushing forward, I dare a look in Pixel's direction, and he's striding along without breaking a sweat.

His eyes widen, and I focus on the path ahead, a cry coming from me at the sight of the gaping hole in our route.

I knew we should have gone left!

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