Goodbye old life, hello new life

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Bella's pov

"If you could be reborn as any character from the vampires diaries and change their life, who would it be" Chloe my best friend asked as we were in my living room watching the vampire diaries all over again for the fourth time.

"Hmmm.. Bonnie, even though she went through hell to save Elena's ass multiple times, she definitely deserved a happy ending. What about you?" I said, looking at Chloe

"I would say Caroline or Jeremy but as a girl tho," Chloe said with a chuckle

"Obviously, Chloe," I said laughing

"Who's your least favorite Salvatore brother" Chloe asked

"Stefan fucking Salvatore, he pretends to be the nice good brother but he's just as bad as Damon or maybe even worse. Now, I'm gonna lie, like Stefan didn't have his moments where he did good but he kinda was creepy and on his stalker shit to make sure Elena wasn't like Katherine" I said venting

"I agree with you" Chloe said

Chloe and I started driving while watching TV. Hours later, it's now midnight and I'm drunk as hell and I start walking upstairs to my room. I end up missing a step and trips hitting my head hard on the floor as I fell backwards down the steps. I groan in a pain before everything around me goes black.
Bonnie's pov

"Bonnie..Bonnie.''. I woke up in a panic, looking around the room, to realize that I'm now in the vampire diaries as Bonnie Bennett, my favorite character bedroom "Noooo, this can't be happening as much as I love Bonnie, she went through hell, I can't do this". I thought to myself as I started panicking even more.

I took a deep breath and got out of bed and whispered to myself "I can do this, I'm gonna make this right".

I walked in Bonnie's closet..I mean my closet and quickly decided I needed to change my wardrobe. With a magic, I changed everything in the closet. I look through the new wardrobe and grab an off the shoulder olive green shirt with high waisted jeans with black boots. I walk out the closet, laying the outfit on my bed then went into the bathroom to take a shower. After I finished the shower, I walked out the bathroom, drying off and got dressed. I walked back in the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth then looked at my hair and decided to do a slick bun. I walked out the bathroom and booked an appointment after school to get box braids done. I grabbed my phone, charger and bookbag and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning Grams" I said making my way into the kitchen

"Good morning sweetie, here you go, you don't wanna be late picking up Elena" Grams said while handing me a plate of pancakes and bacon

"Thanks Grams" I said grabbing the plate and give her hug before grabbing my car keys and walking outside to my car. I l unlocked the car and got in, putting the plate in the passenger side for now.

"Just great, I can't even drive to school in peace" I said as I started the car and put on my seatbelt before driving off to Elena's house.

10 minutes later, I arrived and saw Elena waiting on the porch. I grabbed my food off the passenger seat as Elena walked over to the car. I unlocked the door and Elena opened the door and got in, closing the door.

"Hey Bonnie" Elena said as I started to driving off to the school

"Hey Elena, Grams is telling me I'm a psychic once again because our ancestors were from salem witch witches and honestly I kinda believe her but what do you think" I said paying attention to the road

"Elena" I said noticing her staring out the window in the corner of my eye

"Oh, I did it again didn't I" Elena asked feeling bad

Reborn as Bonnie Bennett Where stories live. Discover now