Halloween Party

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I woke up before Caroline & Elena and left going home to get ready for the day. 20 minutes later, I walked inside to gram cooking breakfast.

"Good morning Grams, I'm sorry for not telling you I wasn't coming back home last night" I said walking to the kitchen

"Thank you for apologizing, don't let it happen again understand" Grams said looking at me

"Yes ma'am" I said before going upstairs to my room. I walk in and close the door

I go in my closet and grab a plaid shirt and a white crop top and blue jeans and black boots then I walk out and lay them on the bed and goes to take a shower. After my shower, I get dressed then go back in the bathroom and brush my teeth then wash my face and lastly put my hair in a high ponytail then runs back downstairs

"What's been going on with you lastly" Grams asked

"Well Vicki is now a vampire, Damon said they know after Logan shot Stefan with wooden bullet last night but I don't know who they are" I said looking at Grams

"He's talking about the founding families, Mystic Falls was once known for having vampires in 1864" Grams said

"Grams, are my emotions linked to different elements like fire, air, water and earth" I asked

"Yes, it's rare in our bloodline where a witches emotions are linked to different elements of nature. 'Your anger is linked to fire, your sadness is linked to water and your anxiety are linked to earth and air". Grams said

"How do I control it" I asked

"You need to visit your mom and ask her" Grams said

"Oh okay, bye I gotta go check on Vicki" I said before leaving the car and getting in my car and drives off the salvatore house. I arrive getting out the car and walks over to the door and knocks. A few minutes later, Stefan opens the door.

"Morning Bonnie" Stefan said letting me inside

"Morning Stefan...where's Damon and Vicki" I said walking inside

"He's teaching her about bloodlust and how to control it and I can say she's doing a good job so far" Stefan said closing the door

"That's good to hear..question, did you know my ancestor Emily Bennett" I said then asked

"Yeah why" Stefan said then asked

"Do you know if you have grimoires that belonged to her or any other stuff that belonged to her". I asked

"I don't  know, I'll be back I need to check the library" Stefan said before leaving me alone

"Omg Bonnie you're here" Vicki said use her vampire speed to hug me

"Yeah, I came to check on you, how are you doing" I said then asked as I hugged back

"I've been fine, I've been controlling my bloodlust and now Damon is teaching me about compulsion and I've gotten the hang of it too...When can I go home" Vicki said then asked

"I don't know yet, you have to ask Damon" I said looking at Damon who now just walked inside

"She's good to go, we've been training since last night and I can say she's learned everything quickly" Damon said

"Are you sure Damon" I said pulling away from the hug

"Yes witchy, she's better Stefan when it comes to blood, she has a ring thanks to you. She's good to go, I promise" Damon said

"Okay, let's get you home and changed" I said grabbing Vicki's hand

"I couldn't find anything that belonged to Emily" Stefan said walking back downstairs

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