Seeing Emily & Opening the tomb

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Mom, I just experience something really witch related weird" I said walking in the house from school

"Witch related like what" Mom asked looking at me

"I'm seeing Emily Bennett, our ancestor in my dreams and I don't know why" I said

"She wants to show you something," Grams said

"Show me something like what" I asked

"What have you been seeing in your dreams" Mom asked

"I was in the woods when I saw her and ran over to her. She said "Help me, it's coming". I asked where she was then we appeared in the cemetery like an older potion of it but I don't know what she's trying to tell me" I said

A knock on the door makes me, mom and Grams look at the door. Grams walked over and opened it to see Stefan holding a grimoire.

"Hey Ms. Sheila" Stefan said

"Hi Stefan" Grams said looking at the grimoire in Stefan's hands the whole time

"Hey Bonnie, remember when you asked me if I had anything that belonged to Emily" Stefan asked looking at me

"Yeah" I said walking over

"Here, this is Emily's grimoire" Stefan said handing me the grimoire

"Where was it" I asked holding the grimoire

"Buried with my father Giuseppe" Stefan said

"Oh okay thanks" I said with a slight smile

"You're welcome" Stefan said

"Also meet my mom Abby" I said realizing mom hasn't said anything

"Hi, Ms. Abby" Stefan said

"Hey Stefan" Mom said

The grimoire falls out my arms and flies open. I bent down and looked at the pages and quickly realized why I'm seeing Emily

"What's wrong" Mom and Grams asked

"Stefan, do know why Damon wants to open the tomb" I asked already knowing the answer, just want to see if I'm right

"Katherine was put the tomb along with other vampires that night in 1864" Stefan said

"Emily wants me to destroy the necklace since it's the key to opening the tomb" I said

"Damon isn't gonna like that" Stefan said

"Stefan, do you really think Katherine is the tomb" I asked

"Yeah" Stefan said

"Well you're wrong" I said

"How" Stefan asked

"In 1492, she escaped being used in a ritual that would have killed her, so she could survive, so why wouldn't she do the same thing again in 1864" Mom said looking

"Okay, so how do we destroy the necklace" Stefan asked

Mom pick up the the grimoire and read over the pages, standing up

"Magic and the passing comet that happens tonight" Mom said

"What would happen if we did open the tomb" I asked

"All the vampires that are trapped inside who escape" Stefan said

"Hmm okay" I said

"What are you thinking Bonnie" Grams asked

"What if we did open the tomb but only to let certain vampires out" I said

"Why would you want to open the tomb, witches don't get involved in vampire business" Grams said

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