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[2 months after the ritual]

“What's so important, we had to rush over here” I asked, walking in the salvatore house with Katherine and Caroline

“Klaus knows” Damon said

“Knows what exactly” Caroline asked

“He knows that Elena is alive” Damon said

“How the hell did he figure that out” I asked

“Well, my baby brother isn't the best liar” Damon said

“What happened to the werewolf that attacked you” I asked

“Stefan killed him to protect me” Damon said

“What do we do about Klaus” Caroline asked

“Honestly, I don't know, but we have senior prank night tonight, so let's go care bear” I said

Caroline and I left to go to school. We arrived and made our way inside the school, and we met up with Tyler, Elena, Matt, and a few other students.

“What are we gonna do? This has to be epic” Elena said, looking at Caroline

After coming up with a plan, we all start getting to work in pairs. All of sudden, Caroline and I find ourselves pinned against the lockers by a blonde girl.

“Who the hell are you” Caroline asked angrily

“I'm the new girl” the girl said

“You're Rebekah, Klaus's sister” I said with slight smirk

“I am, and you're Bonnie Bennett. I heard about you” Rebekah said as she let us go

“All good things, I hope” I said

“Of course” Rebekah said

“Why is Klaus back” Caroline asked

“I don't know, but it has something to the wolf boy in the gym” Rebekah said

“Omg Tyler” Caroline said, worried before speeding off to the gym

“What did Klaus tell you about me” I asked

“He told you're a powerful witch, who almost killed him, but I'm not surprised you almost did” Rebekah said

“Why is that” I asked

“My family grew up with your ancestor Ayana, who was like a second mother to all of us," Rebekah said

"Wow, good to know, now I need to go stop your brother," I said before walking away

I walked into the gym to see Klaus force feeding Tyler his blood.

"Look who finally decided to join us, I'm guessing Elena still being alive is your doing, little witch," Klaus said, then asked, looking at me

"Yes, now what do you want with Tyler?" I said, then asked

"I'm trying to make hybrids love, and I seem to be have a bit of problem," Klaus said

"What does that have to do with Elena?" I asked

"Every time I make hybrids, they die before they can complete their transition, I need you to figure it out why, especially for Tyler's sake," Klaus said before snapping Tyler's neck

"What the hell?" I said, annoyed

"Tik tok little witch," Klaus said

[Hours later]

"Witches are funny," I said with  a chuckle as I finished making a refillable veil

"What do you mean, Bonnie?" Elena asked

Reborn as Bonnie Bennett Where stories live. Discover now