The Decade's Dance

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I walked out the house to see Caroline, Elena and Katherine standing near Elena's car.

"Hey Care, Lena and Katherine" I said looking at them

"Hey Bonnie/Bon Bon/ Bennett" Elena, Caroline and Katherine said at the same time

"Are y'all going to the decade dance" I asked Caroline and Elena

"Yeah" Caroline said

"Why is Katherine here" I asked

"I talked her into going to the dance with us tonight" Elena said

"Oh wow" I said in shock

"This is gonna be interesting" Caroline said

"Hey Bonnie, Elena and Caroline, who's this" Matt said then asked walking over with Tyler

"I'm Katherine, Elena's long lost twin sister and I'm guessing you're Matt and you're Tyler" Katherine said introducing herself looking at Matt then at Tyler

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you" Matt and Tyler said

"It's nice to meet you too" Katherine said with a smile

"What decade are we doing again" Matt asked

"The 50's" Elena said

"Thing 1 & 2, can I talk to you alone for a second" I asked looking at Elena & Katherine

"Sure" Katherine & Elena said at the same time

All three of us walked away from Caroline, Matt and Tyler. Once, we were far enough

"What are we gonna do about Jeremy" I asked

"I was trying to compell him yesterday but it didn't work, which means someone gave him verian and I don't know who" Katherine said

"It was probably Stefan" Elena said

"I don't think it was, look behind you, over at bench by the tree" I said looking at Jeremy who's talking to Anna

"Oh no, what if she tells Jeremy about the supernatural" Elena said then asked

"It's won't be a bad thing, especially if Klaus is coming after you, he's gonna target your family, so it's best they know what the hell is going on" Katherine said

"I know but I don't want him or my aunt Jenna getting hurt" Elena said

"I know but they're gonna be hurt either way, so it's best you tell them, so they're prepared and can at least try and protect themselves" Katherine said

"Elena, Katherine has a point" I said

"Wait, when did Matt tell Tyler about the supernatural" Elena asked

"I don't know but it's a good thing we all know" I said

"Yall know Tyler's a werewolf right" Katherine said

"Wait, what" Elena said

"His dad is a werewolf, so that means Tyler is too" Katherine said

"How do Werewolves active their curse" Elena and I asked

"He has to take a life" Katherine said

    [Timeskip: Getting ready for the dance]

"Are y'all almost ready yet, we need to get going" Katherine asked then said

"Hold on, I'm helping Caroline" I said

"I don't understand why Elena just didn't come with us" Katherine said

Reborn as Bonnie Bennett Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu