Part 22 Cafe

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Author's Note: Hi everyone! thank you for reading my story, I continued this part today. 

[Scene: A quaint café. Kathryn and Daniel are enjoying a peaceful afternoon together when Andrea unexpectedly joins them.]

Kathryn: (smiling) Hi, Andrea. What brings you here?

Andrea: (grinning) Oh, just thought I'd join you two lovebirds for some coffee.

[As the conversation progresses, Kathryn notices Andrea's lingering glances at Daniel.]

Kathryn: (concerned) Andrea, can we talk for a moment?

[Andrea and Kathryn step aside, leaving Daniel perplexed.]

Kathryn: I've noticed some things, Andrea, and I need to address them.

Andrea: (innocently) What things, Kath?

Kathryn: (directly) It seems like your interactions with Daniel have been a bit more than just friendly banter.

Andrea: (playing it cool) Oh, come on, Kath. We're just having fun.

Kathryn: (assertive) Fun is fine, but there's a line, and I feel it's being crossed.

[Andrea, pretending surprise, joins Kathryn as they return to the table.]

Andrea: (smirking) What were you two chatting about?

Kathryn: (firmly) Just setting some boundaries, Andrea.

[As the day unfolds, Kathryn's discomfort continues to grow, prompting her to seek another private conversation with Andrea.]

Kathryn: Andrea, I need you to understand that Daniel and I are in a committed relationship.

Andrea: (dismissively) Oh, relax, Kath. I'm not trying to steal your man.

Kathryn: (calmly) I just want to make sure we all respect each other and our relationships.

[The tension lingers, casting a shadow over Kathryn and Daniel's relationship.]

[Days later, at a park, Andrea coincidentally appears.]

Andrea: (smirking) Running into you two again! What a surprise.

Kathryn: (composed) Andrea, can we talk?

[They move away from Daniel, leaving him puzzled.]

Kathryn: I thought we had an understanding, but your presence is still making me uneasy.

Andrea: (defiant) I can't help it if you're feeling insecure, Kath.

Kathryn: (assertive) It's not about insecurity; it's about respect. I need you to respect our relationship.

[The situation remains tense, leaving Kathryn and Daniel questioning the true nature of Andrea's intentions.]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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