Four: That Boy Is Mine.

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Later that night, Hanna Marin sat at a gleaming white cafe table at the Pinkberry at the King James Mall. Her soon-to-be stepsister, Kate Randall, Naomi Zeigler, and Riley Wolfe surrounded her, little cups of frozen yogurt in front of each of them. A snappy Japanese pop song thudded out of the speakers, and a line of girls from St. Augustus Prep stood at the counter, musing over the choices.

"Don't you think Pinkberry is a much better hangout than Rive Gauche?" Hanna said, referring to the French-style bistro at the other end of the mall. She gestured out the door, into the mall atrium. "We're right across from Armani Exchange and Cartier. We can ogle hot guys and gorgeous diamonds without getting up."

She dipped her spoon into her cup of Pinkberry and shoved an enormous bite in her mouth, letting out a little mmm to emphasize how good an idea she thought this was. Then she fed a little bite to Dor, her miniature Doberman, whom she'd brought along in her brand-new Juicy Couture doggie carrier. The Pinkberry workers kept shooting daggers in Hanna's direction. Some lame rule said that dogs weren't allowed in here, but surely they meant dirty dogs, like labs and Saint Bernards and hideous little shih tzus. Dor was the cleanest dog in Rosewood. Hanna gave him weekly bubble baths in lavender-scented dog shampoo imported from Paris.

Riley twirled a piece of coppery hair around her fingers. "But you can't sneak here like you can at Rive Gauche."

"Yes, but you can't bring dogs to Rive Cauchy," Hanna said, cupping Dot's little face in her hands. She gave him another tiny bite of Pinkberry.

Naomi took a bite of yogurt and immediately reapplied a coat of Guerlain KissKiss lipstick. "And the lighting in here is so...unflattering." She peered into the round mirrors that lined Pinkberry's walls. "I feel like my pores are magnified."

Hanna slammed her Pinkberry cup on the table, making the little plastic spoon jump. "Okay, I didn't want to resort to this, but before we broke up, Lucas told me that Rive Gauche has rats in the kitchen. Do you really want to hang out somewhere with a rodent problem? There could be rat poop in your frites."

"Or do you not want to hang out there because of a Lucas problem?" Naomi snickered, tossing her pale blond hair over her bony shoulder. Kate giggled and raised the cup of mint tea she'd bought earlier at Starbucks in a toast. Who drank mint tea besides old ladies, anyway? Freak.

Hanna glowered at her quasi-stepsister's turned head, unable to read her. Earlier the week before, Kate and Hanna had almost bonded, sharing some secrets over breakfast. Kate alluded that she had a "gynecological problem" but didn't explain what it was, and Hanna confessed to bingeing and purging. But when A started hinting to Hanna that Kate was less of a new BFF and more of an evil stepsis, Hanna fretted that trusting Kate had been a huge mistake. So at the Rosewood Day benefit, Hanna blurted out to the entire school that Kate had herpes. If Hanna hadn't, she was certain that Kate would have spilled Hanna's secret instead.

Naomi and Riley had recognized the herpes incident as a big power play immediately, calling both Hanna and Kate this Sunday morning to see if they wanted to go to the King James like it never even happened. Kate seemed to brush it off, too, turning to Hanna in the car on the way to the mall and saying in a cool and unbothered voice, "Let's just forget about last night, okay?"

Unfortunately, not everyone saw the herpes trick as the queen bee move it really was. Right after Hanna said it, Lucas, Hanna's then-boyfriend, said it was over between them—he didn't want to be with someone who was so obsessed with popularity. And when Hanna's dad had found out, he mandated that Hanna must spend every spare minute with Kate so they found bond. So far, he was taking the punishment seriously. This morning, when Kate wanted to go to Wawa for a Diet Coke, Hanna went along. Then, when Hanna wanted to take a Bikram yoga class, Kate ran upstairs and changed into her Lululemon yoga capris. And this afternoon, the press had shown up to Hanna's door to ask her questions about Ian breaking house arrest last week to meet with Spencer. "What were they talking about?" the reporters crowed. "Why didn't you tell the police Ian had busted out?" "Are you girls keeping something from us?" As Hanna explained that she hadn't known that Ian showed up on Spencer's porch until long after Ian had escaped, Kate was right there at her side, applying a fresh coat of Smashbox lip gloss in case the reporters needed an extra Rosewood girl's opinion. No matter that she'd only been a Rosewood girl for a week and a half. She'd moved into Hanna's house after Hanna's mother took a high-paying job in Singapore. Kate's mother, Isabel, and Hanna's father had moved into the house too, and the two planned to marry. Yecch.

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