Twenty-Six: Someone Has A Secret.

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Emily stood on the bit stone porch outside the Radley entrance, watching the limos and town cars roll into the circular drive. The air smelled like a jumble of expensive perfumes, and a photographer was flitting around the partygoers, snapping pictures. Every time a flashbulb went off, Emily thought of the creepy photos from A. Ali, Jenna, and Naomi, gathered in Ali's backyard. Darren Wilden, emerging from confession. And then there was Jason DiLaurentis arguing with Jenna Cavanaugh in Jenna's living room. What do you think he's so angry about?

What did it mean? What was A trying to tell her?

She pulled her cell phone from her bag and checked the time once more. It was a quarter after right, and Aria was supposed to meet her at the entrance fifteen minutes ago. About an hour after their uncomfortable phone conversation this morning. Aria called Emily back and asked if she wanted to go to the Radley party together. Emily figured it was Aria's way of apologizing for yelling at her, and although she hadn't really felt like going now that she and Isaac were through, she'd reluctantly agreed. They'd called Spencer and asked if she wanted to go too, but Spencer said she was spending the night in her sister's barn doing homework.

More people streamed through the Radley's doors, showing their invitations to a girl wearing a headset and holding a clipboard. Emily called Aria's phone, but she didn't pick up. She sighed. Maybe Aria had gone in without her.

The inside of the hotel was warm and smelled like peppermint. Emily slithered out of her coat and handed it to the girl at the coat-checked window, smoothing down her strapless, dark red dress. After Isaac invited her to this, she'd rushed out to the mall, tried on this dress, and imagined Isaac swooning when he saw her in it. For once in her life, she'd bought it without even looking at the price tag. And for what? At 2 A.M. last night, Emily had rolled over in bed and looked at the little window of her phone, hoping Isaac had sent her an apology text. But there had been nothing.

She craned her neck, looking for him now. He was definitely here somewhere—and so were Mr. and Mrs. Colbert.

Her skin began to prickle. Maybe she shouldn't be here. It was one thing to accompany Aria—at least she'd have a buffer—but Emily didn't think she could deal with this place alone. She turned back toward the entrance, but tons of people had arrived at once, jamming the doors. She waited for the crowd to clear, praying she wouldn't see any of the Colberts. She couldn't bear the thought of seeing the hatred in their eyes.

On the wall next to her was a large bronze plaque describing the Radley's history. G. C. Radley Retreat for Children Wellness began in 1897 as an orphanage, but eventually changed into a safe haven for troubled children. This plaque commemorates those children who have benefited from the Radley's unique facility and environment, and the doctors and staff who have dedicated years of their lives to the cause.

Underneath were the names of various headmasters and deans of the facility. Emily scanned them, but they meant nothing to her.

"I heard some of the kids that stayed here were real lunatics."

Emily looked over and gasped. Maya was standing right next to her, dressed in a hazelnut-colored tiered gown. Her hair was pulled back from her face, and she wore sparkly gold eye shadow. There was a teasing little smile on her face, not unlike the look Ali used to give Emily when he wanted to make Emily uncomfortable.

"H-hi," Emily stammered. She thought about Maya standing in her bedroom window last night just as Emily pulled into the cul-de-sac, as if she'd anticipated Emily's arrival. Was that just a coincidence? And the other day at school, she'd seen Maya and Jenna talking. They lived right next to each other—had they struck up a friendship?

"See the balcony?" Maya pointed to the hotel mezzanine. People were leaning over the elaborate wrought-iron railing, peering down to the crowd below. "I heard some kids killed themselves by jumping off that. They splattered right where the bar is. And I heard a patient murdered a nurse."

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