Sixteen: Spencer Hastings, Future Wawa Counterperson.

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The same night, Spencer perched on the arm of the sofa in the media room, watching the news. A reporter was talking yet again about how the police had vacated the woods behind her house and were now searching the United States for Ian. Today, someone on the police force had received a hot tip about where he might be, but they weren't disclosing any more details at this time.

Spencer groaned. Then, the news broke to yet another new commercial for the Elk Ridge Ski Resort—they'd opened six more runs and were introducing Girls Ski for Free Thursdays.

The doorbell rang, and Spencer bounded up, eager to focus her attention on more positive things. Andrew stood on the stoop, shivering. "I have so much to tell you," Spencer squealed.

"Really?" Andrew walked in, carrying his AP econ textbook under his arm. Spencer sniffed apathetically. AP econ hardly mattered anymore.

Spencer led him by the hand into the media room, shut the door and turned off the TV. "So you know how I e-mailed my biological mom on Monday? She e-mailed me back. And yesterday, I went to see her in New York."

Andrew blinked quickly. "New York?"

Spencer nodded. "She sent me an Amtrak ticket and told me to meet her at Penn Station. And it was wonderful." She squeezed Andrew's hands. "Olivia's young, she's smart, and she's...normal. We instantly clicked. Isn't that awesome?" She pulled out her phone and showed him a text Olivia had written late last night, presumably when she reached the airport. Dear Spencer, I miss you already! See you soon! XX, O. Spencer had written Olivia back, saying she had her accordion folder, and Olivia had responded that she should just hold on to it—she and Morgan would look it over once they returned.

Andrew picked at a piece of dry skin on his thumb. "When I asked you what you were doing yesterday, you said you were having dinner with your family. lied?"

Spencer lowered her shoulders. Why was Andrew quibbling about semantics? "I didn't want to talk about it before I met her. I was afraid it would jinx things. I was going to tell you in school, but we had a busy day." She leaned back. "I'm seriously considering moving to New York to be with Olivia. We've been separated for so long, and I don't want to spend another minute apart. She and her husband moved into this great neighborhood in the Village, and there are so many great schools in the city, and..." She noticed Andrew's dour expression and stopped. "Are you okay?"

Andrew stared at the floor. "Sure," he mumbled. "That's great news. I'm happy for you."

Spencer ran her hands over the back of her neck, suddenly feeling insecure. She'd expected Andrew to be thrilled that she'd found her birth mother—he was the one who'd pushed her to register for the bio mom—matching site in the first place. "You don't sound that happy," she said slowly.

"No, I am." Andrew jumped up, bumping his knee on the coffee table table. "Um, I forgot. I...I left my calf book back at school. I should probably go get it. We have all those problem sets for homework." He grabbed his books and headed for the door.

Spencer grabbed his arm. He stopped, but he wouldn't look at her. "What's going on?" she urged, her heart beating fast.

Andrew clutched his books tightly to his chest. "Well...I mean...maybe you're moving a little fast with all this New York stuff. Shouldn't you discuss it with your parents?"

Spencer frowned. "They'd probably be happy I was gone."

"You don't know that," Andrew argued, glancing at her cagily, then quickly cutting his eyes away. "Your parents are mad at you, but I'm sure they don't hate you. You're still their kid. They might not let you go to New York at all."

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