Chapter 3: the Blood Feasting

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I made sure to look out for him. I slowly stepped into the library, tiptoeing to my seat.

"What are you doing?" the familiar voice asked.

I turned around and spotted the vampire's face, his mouth formed into a smirk. He slowly approached me while I kept backing away from him.

"What d-do you want?"
"Hm, I don't know, why don't you guess?"
"No...I can't g-guess."
"Vampires drink blood, don't they?" he laughed.

I gasped, my heart beating fast.

"Bingo." he mouthed.
"Who told you I was here?"
"Your dear friend, I kind of had to threaten him you know, scare him."
"He wasn't stronger than you?"

I gulped. Alexander was an incredibly strong spirit and he was easily defeated by this man?! He shook his head, as I backed into the table, almost falling over. My back stung a little with the wood scratching my skin. He covered his mouth, stifling a laugh.

"I-I can go back into the academy. Some spells restrict creatures like you!"
"You're in a little tight situation to say that."

I tried to budge, but my blood froze up in place. My body shook more as he stood in front of me, stroking the side of my chin. My heart pounded, he reached forward, his mouth against my ear.

"That magic doesn't work on me," he whispered.

I trembled at the darkness swirling around me, restraining me, and taking all light away from the room. I felt my breath suffocate, as he reached towards me.

"W-wait, wait!"

He stopped and raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"I-I can do something for you! W-what do you want other than my blood?"
"Nothing else, sweetheart."

He came closer, and I thought hard. My mind was completely blank and all I could think about was the vampire in front of me.

"That notebook, it's yours right?"

I nodded in reply and he smiled.

"I have something for you to do, instead of me killing you."

I nodded, kind of nervous about what he was going to make me do.

"I want you me your works. I mean all of them."

Huh? That's it?

"With a little bit of blood also. Without killing you, of course."
" have to promise me, you won't kill me! If vampires break their promises, they die, right?"

He nodded and laughed at my remark.

"I cannot resist a deal between such an interesting being and myself. Fine, I promise. I wasn't going to kill you in the first place."

Woah, that worked. Despite desperation, I still managed to save myself in a moment of distress.

He smirked yet again and held my finger to his lips.

"Hm, would you freak out if I did something particular?.."

What the hell does that mean? This guy was so confusing.

"Hm, what do y-you mean?"

He bit into my finger, and it stung hard for a bit. The warm blood flowed down my finger into my hand.

"O-Ow..." I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut.
"Oh, you haven't experienced real pain. This is only the beginning. I'm not only going to use you today."
"The painful part is almost over."

What the hell am I doing standing here, letting him take my blood? Well, I sure as hell have no magic to counter his powers. He started to lick the sides of my finger. I flushed with embarrassment at the wet feeling against my finger. His eyes glowed red and he stared straight into mine. My face was hot, as he continued to drag his tongue down further down at my palm to my wrist. I let out a tiny squeak that covered my mouth. He looked at me and laughed. My pride has fallen and shame has taken over.

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