part 11

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The uni ended and here tae is waiting for his hubby .. Soon he saw jk is coming out while hanging his head low ... Jk look up and saw tae with a bright smile he ran to tae and jump on him while tae catch him and hold him in his arms ... Tae: ooh ho so much happiness my little prince what happened to my little one tell me also ... (Jk back away and smile widely later said to tae) jk: I miss you so much hubby you know I was thinking if you were there then you can feed me and then we can talk study is so boring... (Tae chuckle and smile at his cute little angel who is pouting by now ... ) Tae: let's go we will go to hospital... Jk; why I am all ok ..  tae: I know but you are going for testing your throat and vocal cord to knowing is there any chance to make it better or not .. so no argue and come with me ... (Jk just nod his head and they both left from there )

Taekook come to the hospital and here doc is checking jk while jk was just looking at tae ...
Jack; so Taehyung after checking him and all the test it's actually quite complicated... We need to prescribe him some medicine and some oral  exercise  ...  After 3 months we will test him again .. later we can say about this .. Tae: but before that doc said he can be ok with surgery then what was that ... (He was becoming angry and it's become more when he notice his little husband's teary eyes ) was it a lie ... (Jk hold his hand and tae look at him later pat his head ) jack; at this case then it was recent if they did the surgery by that time then he can be ok with it but not now it's been years and also his body changed so things changed (tae just sigh and look at other side ) the doctor you appoint they will come from US after 2 weeks ... Wait for him also and let's do some more test of your husband... (Tae just take out his phone  and dial a number ) tae: hello when you will come here Kai (he asked and jack sigh) just come here I want you just by tomorrow Kai .. you and your team have to come by tomorrow I don't care anything.... I don't care just come and tell your team don't worry about money you will get more then you want just tomorrow mark it ... (He cut the call and look at jk who is looking at him ) come bub hubby have meetings and have to go ... (He come and pick jk who wrap his legs and hands around him pecking his whole faces while jack was just looking at him with widen eyes) jack; bye and if Kai come I will inform you and hopefully all get ok ... Tae: hmm we will surely come and not hopefully do everything for my husband's well being (with that he left from there )Taekook come to tae's office and tae make him seat at the couch ... Tae: bub sleep now for sometime ok i have some work after that you will do your homework and can do anything you want ... (Jk look at tae while tae frown his eyebrows) want something to eat (jk shook his head as no ) jk; no no I just ate lunch how can I eat but I don't wanna sleep here ... (Tae make a ohh face and sit beside jk ) tae: then where you wanna sleep baby bunny ... (Jk look at tae's lap but didn't said anything and obviously tae understand this very well ... He pull his husband in his arms and peck his forehead) let's go (he sit in the chair placing jk in his lap while jk smile looking at his  face later peck his chin and hug him while tae pull a little and make comfortable for him so he can work on laptop )Jk pat tae's cheeks and tae look at him later smile at him ) jk; you know magic you always understand my all words without saying anything (he smile and hug tae while tae leave the laptop and just look at jk with some blank eyes which always show emotions to jk now it's looking blank ... He pat jk's bum and head while jk was fallen asleep slowly slowly by his hubby's warmth and lovely pat )
** You know you always understand me without saying anything you are just like a magic ** remembering the words and hearing the same words make him feel hurt flashbacks of memories some connections between happiness and sadness some heart wrenching pain .... He just close his eyes and peck jk's head lovingly he start typing while thinking something without putting any concentration...

Tae: the thing making me weak and you know what you are too innocent for this world just like her I couldn't protect her but I will protect you my bub I will do everything for you ... I can't lose you for the first time in my whole life I am feeling peace and the only reason is you I will do everything for you make you happy and gonna treat you like you are my crown just stay with me my little angel ... (He again peck jk's cheeks who hug him more tightly and closed his eyes ..
??; will you forget me after marrying someone..
Tae: first of all who will marry me and second I don't want to remember you at all then no point of forgetting.. ??; you are so rude but what should I say I love you so can't even say anything...Tae: why you love me I don't see any reason there.... Jk; bcz you treat me good way (tae open his eyes and just take a Sharp breath again tried to concentrate on his work ... He was working but heard some muffle groan with a worried face he tried to make jk wake up who wake up and start crying making tae panic ... Tae: what happened bub ok calm down calm down (he said and jk tried to take long breath ) yes my prince is doing good like this little one calm down first it was a nightmare a bad dream my prince look hubby is here ... It's ok (jk hug tae tightly and tae just let him do whatever he want after like minutes 5 jk back away and tae look at him ) what happened bun tell me ... Jk; I saw you are no where near me I saw you going far away really far away ... (His eyes filled with tears and jk hug tae again while tae pat his back caressing his back lovingly making jk sooth from this discomfort feelings then try to say something)

Tae: hussh bub hubby is with you only ... No one can ever took you away from me my bub ... Nor I am leaving you I won't leave you the moment I said I accept you as my husband that moment I know I own you as the moment I also know now someone is in my life as my owner ... Don't ever say this I will leave you even death can't separate us just remember it ... (Jk nod his head as yes and hug tae who also closed his eyes later come to couch and laid on it hugging his husband who is not leaving him eventually don't even lose it a little bit .. tae look at jk and sigh he is too much insecure about him maybe taunt all the harsh words make him like this ... ) I will do everything for your happiness bub just stay with hubby I never feel warm inside my heart the way I feel with you I don't know what is it but this feeling is heaven for me )

Here jk is pouting bcz tae didn't buy him ice cream which doc said no for jk and here jk is angry with tae ... He look at tae who is driving without any care ... Jk pout and hold tae's hand which was placing in jk's thighs and tae look at him with raising eyebrows...
Tae: what happened bub .. (jk pout more as he know his husband is sucker of his cute act ) jk; hubby you said you will buy me everything (tae nod his head as yes and jk smile cutely) then buy me ice cream ... Tae: there is little bit change now I will buy everything but you have to follow all the strict order of doctor ... (Jk pout sadly and look down ) jk; you are so bad ... (Tae know it's all are drama just to eat ice cream soon they reach their house and jk pout more sadly as now he don't have any hope ) tae: I know I am bad anything more say whatever you want but ice cream is big no ... (He said and jk open his seatbelt angrily later come and tae and bite his cheeks making him whimper but ran away fastly)Jk ran and tae run behind him leaving the car in it's own place without any care ... Tae: you little bunny just wait here let me come and show you something... (But jk just run away from tae while tae was chasing him while shouting and listening the shout Kim and jeon come out who came to meet taekook ... Taekook were on garden and due to darkness they barely could saw anything and here with taekook jk was running while tae was chasing him smiling a little seeing jk's face he is sure jk is giggling also muffle sound qas coming from him making it sure ... Tae hold jk tightly after sometime and capture him between his arms ) you bite me according to the law you abuse your husband so you have to take punishment for it .... I will do case and now time for going in jail ... (Jk wiggle in tae's arms to come out but tae is much more strong then him )

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