it's just a kiss (why you gotta be so talkative?)

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"No," Sirius says sternly, like he's telling off a bad dog.

"We're not even doing anything," James protests, opening the door further to let Sirius in.

"And you're not going to."


Or: Five times Regulus and James get interrupted and one time they don't.



Whoever scheduled Regulus in for lectures at 9 AM is not seeing the pearly gates of Heaven. On a Monday morning, too. He isn't sure who in the planning department has it out for him, but he swears that once he finds out, he is going to commit heinous cri—

"Good morning, sweetheart," James says, voice low in the early morning. "Got you a coffee." He presses the warm cup into Regulus' hands and leans in to press a warm kiss against his cheek.

"You— What?" Regulus blinks down at the coffee cup he is now holding, brain a little slow. James doesn't have time to get him coffee before class. His own lecture hall is 15 minutes away.

"You told me you were tired," James says easily, "figured you'd want a pick me up."

He's picking at a loose thread on his sweater, snap back nowhere to be seen for once, but the golden chain peeking out from under his collar. Regulus notices James doesn't have a coffee for himself and the thought that James went out of his way to get Regulus one warms him more than the steaming paper cup in his hands.

When Regulus doesn't say anything, James adds, "It's black with one sugar. I know what you like."

"James, you have class across campus in 10 minutes."

"It's fine, the professor loves me, I can afford to be a few minutes late."

James' eyes lazily scan Regulus' face. He can almost feel the stare like a touch and he needs to remind himself that they are in public and it would be inappropriate to start anything. Then again, Regulus never really did care about that, as James likes to remind him.

Regulus feels the little bubble around them burst when he registers the pointed stares and loud whispers. A girl is standing by the opposite wall, quite literally staring daggers at Regulus. He tilts his head as if daring her to do something about it.

He can't quite make out what people are saying but picks up the words legendary backflip, house party, keg stands and so hot.


And really, Regulus has no other option but to hook two fingers under that golden chain James is always wearing and tug him closer.

It doesn't require much force; just one gentle tug and James is swaying into Regulus' personal space.

Faintly, Regulus thinks of the moon and the tide, a gravitational pull no one can deny, but the thought is chased away when James presses their lips together.

It's warm and familiar, a chaste press of sealed lips until James opens his mouth to deepen the kiss. Regulus allows it. For a moment. Lets himself be kissed, pleased that everyone can see but no one can touch, because James is his. Let it be known that Regulus Black has a possessive streak a mile wide.

"Are you ready, Reg?" Pandora suddenly asks from beside him. He hadn't even realized she was here. He jumps a bit at the sound of her voice, the hand that is not holding a cup of coffee pressing against his chest.

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