the thing about illicit affairs

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So he really doesn't get it. How it happened. Why Regulus decided to kiss him. Last time he checked, Regulus hated him. Despised him, actually. Would rather him dead. But here he is, laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, Regulus Black beside him, dead to the world. What the fuck?


Or, the one where Regulus likes James and doesn't know how to say it, James is smitten, Evan and Barty are clueless, Mary and Lily play gay chicken, Sirius and Remus have to figure their shit out, and the rest of their friends watch in amusement.


The first time it happens, James swears that he'll never let it happen again. Mostly because he doesn't want to freak Sirius out, but also because it just feels fucking wrong .

But when Regulus has him against a wall with his mouth on his neck, it's hard to think straight. It's hard to think around Regulus in general . His inky black curls fell so gracefully around his face and when his jaw clenched, James found it hard to not surge forward and mouth at it.

It's a bit strange how this all began, really. Because the night didn't begin with James and Regulus all alone in James' bedroom.

James is in the middle of the dance floor, hand in Lily's as he twirls her while holding her drink for her in the other hand so that she doesn't drop it while dancing. He grins down at his friend, watching the way her red curls bounce as she twirls and giggles. "You look so pretty, Lils! Did you invite Mary?" he asks, wondering if she finally decided to make a move on her .

"I did," she calls back over the music, moving a bit closer to James and standing on her toes to talk in his ear. "She's somewhere. I think she might be with Remus and Reg-"

"Regulus is here?" James groans, rolling his eyes. "Why did you invite him? He doesn't even like parties," he points out. He scowls a little bit, then scrunches his nose up as a surge of irritation builds in his stomach.

He receives a scoff in response and he watches Lily roll her eyes, prompting him to flip her off. "How do you know he doesn't like parties? Did he tell you that-"

"No," James responds quickly, narrowing his eyes. "He didn't. But he never goes to parties, so I-"

"Oh," Lily chuckles teasingly, and James' face turns an embarrassing shade of pink as he begins to realize what she's implying. "So you look for him at parties-"

"I do not !"

Lily winks at him, then takes his hand again and presses a kiss to it. "Maybe you should go find him. Snog 'em, maybe-"

"Never in a million years!"

It was quite funny to think about now, considering the fact that he is snogging Regulus in his bedroom after Regulus agreed to come home with him.

They were both completely sober.

Walking down the hall toward the bathroom, James hums under his breath. He's a bit tired and he's planning on going home, unsure as to whether or not Sirius is going to join him or stay at the party. But he has to pee, so he'll figure that out after.

He turned a corner, eyes trained on the ground, and his body collided with another, causing him to let out a yelp and quickly apologize, practically squeaking "sorry, oh god, I'm so so sorry."

A sharp breath comes from the person in front of him, catching his attention, and he looks up, his eyes widening.

Standing before him is a furious-looking Regulus Black, cheeks flushed and fists clenched. James holds his breath, putting his hands up in defense, just in case Regulus decides to take a swing at him. It wouldn't be the first time, honestly. He wouldn't be surprised.

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