girl with mic

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"so you have had only one song out called selfish before you got the deal?"

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"so you have had only one song out called selfish before you got the deal?"

"ya so funny story, i worked, like i literally just quit thats how fast this was going for me, but i worked at a record store down the road from epic reacords and my now manager fred walked in and just asked me who my favorite underground artist is and i said me so now here we are"

"wait is this like for real?"

"yes literally last week"

"omg now your literally on billboard top 10"

"thats insane to me like my dad and uncle called me as soon as it hit midnight and told me that, just absolutely crazy"

"well homesick definitely deserves to be up there but like im wondering when selfish is going to get her turn"

" oh god i dont know i dont think people really care to listen to her but i hope one day because i put alot of soul into her but i did with homesick aswell so who knows"

"do have any more music coming out soon like i know you just dropped homesick but like you grew a massive following from just a song and a record deal and selfish is on repeat for me so question is do you have a pen in your hand outside of this interview"

"yes im always writing new stuff i dont know whats going to come out next and im hoping i can work on an album but only time will tell"

i walked out of that interview with one thing on my mind.....when the hell i get approved for an album. the lable has approve for you to make an album well for me they do, because im so mew to the team and success came fast i cant make music without them all knowing about, they clearly have trust issues. as i was driving to get to my house, yes my house the label rented me a fucking house saying apartments are to risky. but as i was driving home i get a call from freddy basically telling me I GOT APROVED FOR AN ALBUM anyways me and noah have been working on a song on the dl anyways its called "blue" i still dont know if i want it on the album or not but we have started on another one thats looking like a single i cant wait till i get home to call my dad and tell him everything!

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