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By the time Lucifer found the kitchen he checked the time to see if it was still morning, since he wanted to make pancakes at the moment. It was around 10:00 so he shrugs it off taking this as a yes.

He snapped his fingers making the ingredients appear infront of him. As well as now an apron with a duck on it. Pulling his sleeves up he started to get to work.
While stearing up the flour with the eggs he hums to himself.
As he turned around to grab somthing.
"Oh shit!" he jumped back in surprise almost dropping the bowl but thankfully he didn't.

Niffty laughed like a maniac.
"HahAhaHa, the bugs need to be punished~!" She yelled scurrying away. Chasing after a cockroach.

"Ew...." Lucifer mumbled taking his attention back to making food.

He started to flip the pancakes easily. He frowns remembering when he used to make Charlie pancakes all the time. How Charlie would be laughing, and clap her little hands when she watched him do tricks flipping pancakes.

Lucifer wished he could relive those memories but now he had the chance too. Only when his daughter came back of-Course.

"Woah, you can cook?" Angel walked in with Husk looking slightly surprised but also hungry. Lucifer turned his attention to them seeing them sit down on the table.
He smiled nodding. "Yup, hold your plate up for a sec." He ordered, Angel grabbed a plate holding it up.
As Lucifer flipped the pancake all the way to Angles plate who was sitting across the kitchen.

"Nice tricks~" Angel complimented, instantly starting to eat. Lucifer handed a plate of pancakes to Husk as well before giving one to Niffty who he did slightly pause deciding if he should or not but he did.

He watched everyone eating. He smiled happy seeing that they were enjoying his cooking. Before realizing Alaster wasn't here.

"Where's Alastor?" Lucifer asked pointing out that he wasn't here.

"Oh, Smiles doesn't really eat with us. He likes to eat in his room. Eating deer meat or somthing" Angel said stuffing his mouth with more pancakes. Husk chuckled amused seeing him doing this while he grabbed a napkin cleaning Angels face.
"I'll go ask if he wants some." Lucifer said. He really was trying his best to maybe get a chance to get along with with the radio demon, but that guy wasn't making it easy for him. Especially with him playing the 'I'ma steal your daughter away' game.

He grabbed a plate of pancakes adding some fruit beside it walking to the elevator to Alastors room. They shared the smar floor which was the the last top floor.

Once Lucifer arrived he knocked on the door waiting for Alastor to open the door.
"Ah, if it isn't the short king~ what do you want?" Alastor said looking down at Lucifer.

"I made pancakes." Lucifer said not knowing what else to say. "I can see that." Alastor said looking at the plate of pancakes, Lucifer was holding. Lucifer sighs. 'Why's it so hard to talk?' He thought to himself.

"Well I uhh....brought some for you. since you weren't in the kitchen eating like the rest of us." Lucifer mumbled offering the plate to Alastor.
Alastor raised an eyebrow confused at how he was acting.

Alastor grabbed the plate looking at the pancakes they smelled good. They looked good too. noticing one of the pancakes was shaped like a duck, he didn't say anything about it though.

"Well enjoy!" Lucifer said awkwardly turning away as he walked off.


Alastor walked back into his room staring at the pancakes in his hands. He hasn't had pancakes in a while, Especially not from anyone else other then his mom who would make him some when he was alive that was.

Alastor walked to the trashcan about to throw it away.
'Now dear you wouldn't wanna waste good food, now, would you?'
His ears slightly went down remember
-ing his mom's voice. He groans in annoyance finnaly deciding to not throw it away, and actually try them. He sat down on his bed taking a small bite of the duck shaped pancake one.
The first bite started to turn to 2nd 3rd 4th. He couldn't belive how good they tasted.

The pancakes tasted just like how his mother used to make them.
His smile grew a bit happily finishing the food up only to groan a bit in pain.

Seeing that his wound on his torso that he got during the fight with Adam. was now covered in blood. And a lot.
It still hasn't healed because of it being cause by an angelic weapon, it was burning more of his skin, then generating.

"Dang it.."


Short part next one will give the whole alaster being hurt situation started lol.:)

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