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Off topic.. BUT the Pic is slaying fr fr ⬆️ UvU


(Next day)

Lucifer walked around the halls of the hotel, making sure everything was working and okay.
He saw Angel and Husk flirting with eachother. He smiled before looking at his finger where he still wore his wedding ring, now frowning. Lucifer wondered where could his wife be?
Or, why did she have to leave Charlie behind? And not even answer her own daughters calls.. or tell her where she was going?

Lucifer tried to push those feelings away.
But that woman was the first being of all of creation he loved, the first, and last women he'll ever love.
Without noticing he realized he was starting to hyperventilate. Something that usually happened when he was always at home. Alone.

He placed his hand on his chest. His heart feeling like it'll explode. He didn't know how to explain it but it hurt.
He took deep breaths trying to calm himself down. Using his cane to at least keep him from falling on the floor, as he made his way to the elevator pushing the button for the top floor to get too his room.

Once he made it up he started to feel the pain going away aswell as his breathing finnaly slowing down. He was about to walk to his room before noticing Alasters door being slightly opened. Out of curiosity he walked over to go make sure Alaster was all right.
Not because he cared but more because he didn't want anything bad to happen to him while Charlie was gone. So this was more for the promise he made.

He slightly moved the door to make it open more. Only to see Alastor laying on the bed groaning in pain. Noticing the big ass wound in the radio demons torso that was slightly seeming like it was growing.

"Alastor?" Lucifer said walking in his room. Alaster's ears perked up. He sat up instantly seeing him in his room. "Get out." Alastor ordered in a cold tone.

"No. You're clearly hurt---" "It'll heal. Eventually." Alastor interrupted. Lucifer forced shaking his head no.

"That was caused by Adam, right? That's not gonna heal. If anything it's just going to keep growing, and growing until you can't take it anymore." Lucifer said shrugging. Alastor on the other hand rolled his eyes. "What would you know about this?" He mutterd but Lucifer heard him. He forced a smile.

"I'm a fallen Angel what do you think?" Lucifer said before continuing as he walked closer to him.
"Look I can heal it for you. It's easy well for me. But for you simple sinners it's not. It'll just kill you in the end.. So let me help you." Lucifer said offering his hand out to him to help him up, Alastor smacked his hand away growling.

"I don't need your help. Besides you don't even care either way." Alastor said to him, being stubborn.
Lucifer just hums in response not denying the obvious.

Instead he agreed.

"...Correct! Except I'm doing this for my daughter. I wouldn't want her to get back from vacation just to see you dead. Now would we?" He asked Giving the radio demon a smug look.
Alastor turned away still not admiting he needs help.

"How about we make a deal then?" Lucifer asked hesitantly which got Alastors attention. "I heal you and... well what do you want? My soul is off limits besides its not like anyone could exactly get it from a mere deal." Lucifer explained, still not believing he was doing this. 'For Charlie...' he thought to himself.

"Fine, but I want your blood." Alastor said with a Now evilish smile. Lucifer tensed up looking at him confused. "My blood?" He repeated. Alster nods.

"Why~ ofcourse I've tasted an Angels blood, and I must say how exquisite it was~! All I have to imagine is exactly how much better would the king of hell's tast like?~" Alastor said looking a bit bloodthirsty.

"Since when werr you a vampire?" Lucifer asked confused.
"Do you want me to change it and ask for your flesh as well then?" He asked nonchalant. Lucifer instantly shook his head no. Alastor chuckled amused. "Then blood it is~." He purred

"Deal." Lucifer said his hand glowing red as the room around them became dark. Alastor smirked as he shook the kings hand. Everything going back to normal.

"Hold still now." Lucifer mumbled making sure to put his hand on Alastors wound. which Alastor growled a bit from the sudden touch but didn't pull away. Seeing that Lucifer was already healing his wound making it look easy.

In less then a second the pain was gone, so was the wound.
"There ya go! Good as new." Lucifer said with his usual child-like energy.
"Great. now, get out." Alastor said annoyed now. Lucifer instantly frowned looking up at him.

"Hey I just helped you. The least you could do is say thank you!" Lucifer protest crossing his arms in frustration.
Alastor stayed quiet for a few minutes seeing him looking a bit sad for some reason this made him feel a bit weird. He sighs in defeat before speaking up
"...Thanks....I guess." Alastor said which surprised Lucifer for a second. Alastor even surprised himself not being used to saying such things.
He was supposed to be feard, not saying 'thank you.'

"Your welcome." Lucifer said happily.

Both of them were quiet just staring at eachother before Lucifer laughed nervously seeing that it was starting to get awkward.
"I'll leave you be now." Lucifer said before turning away and walking out of Alastors room.

Alastor just stood there watching Lucifer leave. Before looking back at where his wound used to be but now gone. He really did heal him.

Alestor smirked remembering that now he could have the kings blood anytime he wanted now since Lucifer never said there'd be a limit so it was like he could have it rent free. Anytime/whenever he'd like.

"This'll be fun~"







📻RadioApple🍎Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon