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Volume 1 Chapter 17 Auction

Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypse Pearl no milk tea Bookmark Error report

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"Meng Mingyuan, you are much richer than me!"

Excuse me?

"No matter how rich I am, it still belongs to my father."

Jing Yao rolled her eyes at him.

"No matter how rich I am, it still belongs to my grandfather."

Meng Mingyuan smiled and stopped pestering Jing Yao, insisting on spending her money.

"By the way, don't call me Yao Damei again. It sounds awkward."

"Then I will call you Xiaoyao from now on?"



A staff member on the high platform rang the bell.

It also interrupted the conversation between the two.

"All distinguished guests, please take your seats quickly, our auction will begin immediately."

There was a commotion at the door, and a group of people came in around someone like they were sending each other off.

The group of people went directly to the Zijin Card, and Jing Yao saw clearly that it was Du Xingze, the leader of the Du Group.

"Even Du Xingze is here. It looks like there will be something good in today's auction."

On the side, Meng Mingyuan looked in the direction of Du Xingze and murmured to himself.

nice one?

Are there any good things in the Du family that money can't buy, so you have to go to the auction house to find them?

At this time, Jing Yao saw Du Xingze sitting in the front row and looked around.

She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she always felt that Du Xingze's eyes seemed to be looking at them for a little too long.

"Second-generation ancestor···"

"Tsk! What do you call the second generation ancestor? We are all old classmates. I call you Xiaoyao."

Meng Mingyuan felt his whole body tingle when he heard Jing Yao calling him his high school nickname.

Jing Yao opened her mouth.

"...Xiao Meng?"

"...You don't sound like you are calling me an old classmate, but you are calling me your subordinate."

Jing Yao stared at him.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Meng is Xiao Meng."

"Xiao Meng, are you familiar with Du Xingze?"

"Why do you ask that?" Meng Mingyuan was a little confused: "If I want to be familiar with him, does it count that I played basketball with him in high school?"

Jing Yao felt that Du Xingze must have recognized Meng Mingyuan just now, so she took a second look.

There was a sudden sound on the stage. Jing Yao looked up and saw a super cool off-road vehicle playing on the big screen on the stage.

✓Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora