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Volume 1 Chapter 22 Class Reunion

Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypse Pearl no milk tea Bookmark Error report

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"That's all in the past. Aren't you better now?"

Wang Hao struggled away from Meng Mingyuan.

"I haven't seen you for so many years. I didn't expect you to be more beautiful."

"Come on, come on in, the students are waiting."

Wang Hao opened the door and walked in first.

"Students, who do you see coming?"

Jing Yao was really embarrassed.

In her memory, Wang Hao was not such a warm person. Could it be that it was too hot and his brain melted?

Meng Mingyuan was also a little embarrassed. Wang Hao was not like this on weekdays.

"Maybe it's been too long since I've seen you, so I'm so happy."

"Oh, you two come in!"

Jing Yao then followed Meng Mingyuan into the private room.

The space inside is very large. It was originally a small private room, but the partition in the middle can be disassembled.

In this way, it can be turned into a big box when there are many people.

There were quite a few people sitting at this moment, and everyone was looking at Jing Yao.

"Is that Jingyao?"

"Is it really her? She hasn't been to the class reunion for a long time."

"She and Shen Lin broke up?"

"What's the point? The two of them are not together at all. It's just Jing Yao's unilateral licking."

"Keep your voice down, don't let her hear you."

Sorry, I heard it all.

Meng Mingyuan nudged Jing Yao.

"Hi, long time no see, I'm Jingyao."

"Hey~ Welcome!"

The classmates are quite friendly, and they don't discriminate against Jing Yao because she was a lover in the past.

"Take a seat."

Meng Mingyuan asked everyone to take their seats, while Jing Yao sat at the same table as Meng Mingyuan.

Some people would inevitably think too much when watching this scene, but seeing Jing Yao's contented look, they felt that they were overthinking.

"Everyone is here, let's have a banquet."

"Mingmin isn't here yet?"

Jing Yao suddenly looked up at the person who spoke.

Meng Mingyuan knew something about Jing Yao, so he organized the class reunion this time without calling Mingmin.

"Did you call her?"

Only then did the female classmate feel that Meng Mingyuan's attitude was wrong. She looked at Jing Yao next to him and nodded slightly.

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