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Volume 1 Chapter 29 Mutated Blue Nematode

Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypse Pearl no milk tea Bookmark Error report

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Thinking of this, Jing Yao felt that she needed to remind Zhou Ming.

As soon as he took out his mobile phone, the two messages on it attracted Jing Yao's attention.

'A mutated green worm has recently appeared. Try not to go out. '

'Xiaoyao, the green worm has mutated, try not to go out. '

Unexpectedly, Du Xingze and Meng Mingyuan sent messages to him at the same time.

Looking at this message, Jing Yao remembered that Zhou Ming might have already known about the existence of mutated green worms, so there was no need for her to remind him again.

'Is there any way to get rid of green worms? '

This message was sent to Du Xingze.

The reply there was also very fast.

'The results given by the laboratory are that alkaloids have a great harmful effect on green nematodes. '

'If you have raw alkali at home, you can sprinkle some on it. '

Of course Jing Yao knew that alkaloids were lethal to green nematodes, but she still thanked Du Xingze.

Du Xingze, on the other hand, was a little worried. The manufacturer that produced the alkali had stopped producing it a long time ago.

Anjo still doesn't know how many mutant green worms there are. Even if they know their weaknesses, they can't do it without alkali.

"Wenfeng, haven't you found any alkaloids yet?"

"I found one, but they have stopped production for a long time, but they still have a batch of inventory that can be given to us."

"Collect all the inventory, and his factory will help them restart operations. Anshi may need more alkaline soda, and his inventory may not be enough."

Wenfeng nodded in agreement and hurried out to contact the director of the caustic soda plant.

Just in case, Jing Yao exchanged a lot of raw alkali from the supermarket system.

"Dong dong"

There was a sound in the yard, and Jixiang leaned toward the roof, looking alert.

Jing Yao stood in the yard and looked up at the ceiling.

The next second, a very thick object hit the sunroom of his house.

That is···

Mutated green worm!

Seeing the opponent smashing into her sunroom again, Jingyao felt extremely distressed. If this thing is hit a few more times, it will break into pieces!

Taking out the long knife, Jing Yao took Ji Xiang and was about to go out.

Grandpa and Aunt Lin inside the house also heard the noise, and when they came out, they saw green worms smashing into their ceiling.

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