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Volume 1 Chapter 39 Wolf and Evil Relatives

Rebirth: I open a supermarket in the apocalypse Pearl no milk tea Bookmark Error report

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As for He Yuan, he did control himself at first, but with such a young and beautiful girl living in the tent, he couldn't help but eat secretly.

In the end, the two of them did not avoid others at all, and even Wei Guang, who had expressed loyalty to his wife, joined them.

After Shi Ping found out about this, she didn't care much about her husband, but she was always angry with Li Shishi.

Of course, there is a price to pay for fooling around.

The supplies they find every day are divided into half of the Li family's.

The mistress of the two families wanted to take care of it, but the men had to find all the supplies and food.

They even discovered that the family used this shady business to exchange supplies and food with others.

Later, I could only turn a blind eye to my man's affairs.

But from time to time, they will also pick up some supplies that Li Shishi exchanged for her body. Anyway, the things are piled there, and it doesn't matter if they lose them. Who said you didn't take good care of them.

What's more, they even introduced customers to them later and took a commission.

Li Shishi wanted to get rid of the status of serving shantytowns, so she decided to work with the aborigines.

But I don't know why, I made mistakes one after another.

Seeing the two people in the room at this time, they didn't want to say a word. Anyway, they wouldn't lose their temper if they were ridiculed a few times.

The two of them entered the tent dejectedly.

"Mom, I don't want to live like this anymore."

Feng Chunzhen didn't want to leave.

After their family of three was released, their home in the south of the city was gone.

They can only follow the victims to other communities for resettlement.

At least the other victims had clothes and food on them when they came out.

Their family of three has nothing but people.

Even if the resettlement site distributes supplies every day, who doesnt want to have enough to eat?

After several days of not having enough to eat, Li Shen decided to take care of his daughter.

Although Li Shishi is unkempt now, it can still be seen that she is a beautiful woman.

I dont know how Li Shen set up the line outside. On the night when he gave his daughter away, Feng Chunzhen cried all night long listening to the noise inside.

That time, Li Shen got five kilograms of grain in exchange.

After that, whether Li Shishi is willing or not, as long as someone can afford food, Li Shen will donate her.

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