Chapter 3 - Kara

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Kara stared at the odd shimmery tattoo that chimed on Mist's pale wrist, interrupting their reunion. Black double wings with a circling spiral in the centre... a spiral that moved. "What the everloving fuck is that?" It was no seidhr or technology Mist had had before she'd gone missing, been kidnapped, by the blasted demons.

Mist glanced at Manannan, the pair of them holding each other's gaze with some understanding passing between them.

Kara's fist clenched as the mysterious mark chimed again with an almost bell-like tone. She glanced around them at the mix of Valkyrie, Einherjar and royal guard patrons in the busy capital city pub, a favourite of those based at the palace due to its proximity. No one seemed to be paying attention to their corner table but she sure had questions. What was going on? Norns. Her fellow Valkyrie and best friend had been gone for months. The elven sea god had made a deal with Nabu, a powerful Apkallu Dragon demon, to travel to Muspelheim, the demon home-world off limits to Asgardians, to get Mist back. Although it had taken weeks longer before they'd both finally returned, and judging by the looks and hand-clasp between them, the sparks Loki had teased Mist about previously had certainly been kindled.

"Seriously, Mist. I know I've been out of the loop with Shannon at the Summer Realm helping her with her lost memory, but what happened to you?" The bell tone chimed again. "And what the Helheim is that?" She flicked fingers at Mist's wrist.

Mist's lips quirked up. "Short version? I ended up in a fertility temple, seduced by a sexy dragon prince and helped him knock up his now pregnant mate."

Manannan's dark ocean eyes narrowed, tugging Mist against his side and wrapping a large possessive arm around her much smaller frame. "You can stop emphasizing his sexiness any time now."

Mist shot him a wicked grin then met Kara's eyes and shrugged. "It's only been a couple of weeks since we left. I can't imagine why he needs to contact me, but I better answer it."

"It's a communication device?" Kara asked, looking between Manannan's scowl and Mist's smirk.

Mist tapped her wrist. "Yes and Odin already has our mages trying to replicate it."

A holographic menu appeared in the air above it and she swiped through a few options before the menu was replaced by the three-dimensional darkly olive complexioned face of a male with shoulder length black hair, a strong jaw and dark eyes. If this was the demon prince, Kara totally understood why Mist had let him seduce her. He was sensuality personified and she'd thought their own Prince Loki had cornered the market on that level of masculine temptation.

"My lord, I hadn't expected to hear from you. Is Anna well?" Mist asked.

A hand shoved the hair back from his face and a flash of something, concern perhaps, crossed over his face. "She is well at present and that's why I need your help. There is some political unrest here and I need to hide her until our baby can be born. I'm worried about assassins. There have already been several attempts on her life."

Manannan frowned. "What are you asking, Pazuzu. We won't return to Muspelheim to be trapped there again."

At the name, Kara fought against an instinctive flinch. This was the fucking Dark Angel of the Four Winds? Norns! With that voice and face, no wonder he was the origin of the Lucifer mythology on Midgard. She held in her snort. Trust her best friend to hook up with the devil.

Pazuzu shook his head, spoke to someone near him, then turned back to face Mist and Manannan. "No, I want to get Anna off Muspelheim. It isn't safe for her to be here right now. I want to hide her on Earth. Would you protect her? I can't use my own people. They are being tracked."

"Manannan and I are already committed on a mission for the All-Father and All-Mother, but Anna has immortal family." Mist met Kara's eyes through the holographic image of Pazuzu. "Kara is a Valkyrie and Anna's cousin."

Kara's mouth dropped open. What? She had a cousin she knew nothing about? That Mist knew? And was the mate to the Apkallu Dragon Prince Pazuzu of the Aerial Kingdoms? Bor's Balls. What the fuck was Mist thinking? Kara couldn't help him, their ancient enemy!

His image turned, meeting Kara's gaze. "I know you won't trust me, Valkyrie, but I'm not asking for me. I'm asking for Anna. For our child. Both are innocent of the history between our species. Anna is a direct granddaughter of Inanna, twin sister to Dione. Please."

Kara's heart clenched. Dione. Her mother who'd died still furious with Kara at the war between Asgard and Sidhe that had pitted them on opposite sides with Aine, Queen of the Summer Realm and Inanna's daughter, her cousin. Dione had always insisted family should come first, before any other loyalty. Always. How could Kara fail her mother again? She had to protect Anna. She had to.

"She's human?" Kara asked, still trying to wrap her head around this new relative. How could a human successfully bear a dragonet? Would Anna survive the pregnancy?

Pazuzu frowned. "No, not entirely. She was, but exposure to my venom and blood through the mating bite has altered her genetics and granted her immortal healing, longevity and some of my abilities, although I'm not yet certain which abilities."

Ah. Of course. Had Mist also... She met Mist's eyes and found her best friend shaking her head. "I'll protect Anna to the best of my abilities, provided it doesn't contradict my vow to Asgard or orders from the All-Father or All-Mother." Not that she expected Odin or Frigga would object.

Pazuzu's shoulders lowered and he closed his eyes for a breath before reopening them and nodding. "Thank you. I owe you a debt, Valkyrie. I'll bring Anna to—" A commotion stirred behind him and he spun, slashed a clawed hand through the air, then snarled, "her home. Three hours."

His image cut out with a sudden silence that left Kara blinking at Mist.

"Fuck," Mist cursed.

"Safe to say things are escalating there. Where is Anna's home?" Manannan asked.

Mist pushed her stool from the table and stood. "Anna grew up in Seattle, Washington. Her parents are dead but she still owns the family home. I don't know the address, but with her last name, Latifi, we should be able to find it before Manannan and I are due to join Shannon."

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