Chapter 6 - Anna

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Despite the Earth stories and videos Pazuzu had loaded onto her wrist tattoo that seemed to function like her cell phone and computer back home, Anna couldn't settle. She gave up on trying to distract herself after Pazuzu's departure, shut down the holographic projection, and rose from the wide opalescent throne to pace on the slate tiles.

Why was Pazuzu accused of being a traitor?

Damn it, she knew so very little about politics here on Muspelheim. Despite the massive size of the throne room, Fisk and the two wolven lieutenants hovered around her as if she couldn't even walk without tripping or something. Couldn't they give her some damned space, some—

She spun and pointed at Fisk. "How much danger is Pazuzu in? Who is Sarru Rabu Hanbu and who are the Council of Five?"

Fisk froze, mid-flutter and blinked dark eyes. His bright green head cocked sideways. "My lord prince's father—what you would call the King of Muspelheim. Sarru Rabu is king in the language of our ancestors."

Anna's stomach gave a flip and she rubbed at it. "And the Council of Five?"

"Muspelheim is ruled by the five houses of the Apkallu dragon lords. Bit An, the House of Sky, is ruled by Sarru Rabu Hanbu, Prince Pazuzu's father."

Anna returned to the throne and sat. "And the other four houses?"

"Bit Ersetu, the House of Earth, is ruled by Sar Kishar. Sar is like a grand duke in your Earth royalty. Bit Ishum, the House of Fire, is ruled by Sar Debrutu. Bit Zi, the House of Soul, is ruled by Sar Marduk, and Bit Mu, the House of Water, is ruled by Sar Enki."

Anna tucked her feet up. "And who are our allies? Surely Pazuzu has allies?"

"Yes, Zaninsa Anna, although I am the wrong demon to ask. Issi'ak Nabu would be better to answer you." Fisk bowed, then bobbed up and added, "I do know that Bit An is supposed to have a treaty with Bit Ersetu as Prince Pazuzu's mother, the late Segallu Ereshkigal, was from Bit Ersetu. But the alliance has not been as strong since she died in the war with Asgard."

"Thank you, Fisk. Wait... what house was Lamashtu from?"

Fisk ruffled his feathers. "That abomination was from Bit Ishum."

"So they probably don't like us much right now, given the lack of available females," Anna said while rubbing at her arm.

"I expect you are correct, Zaninsa." Fisk hesitated, then asked, "Is your arm alright? Should I call for the healer?"

Anna halted, her hand mid-rub, then smiled at the chamberlain. "I'm fine. Just remembering, I guess. Thank you, Fisk."

A red-rimmed portal snapped open and both Luukas and Rainier hurried to step between it and Anna. She rose onto her knees, trying to see over their broad backs. Was it Pazuzu returning? Her stomach clenched. Or was it Nabu coming to take her away?

The silver event horizon rippled, then the familiar dark head of her mate appeared, followed by the rest of him. She started to smile, but froze at the fierce scowl on his face and sight of obsidian dragonscale covering his body and wings out.

"Reinforce the palace shields. I want air, ground, and palace guards doubled," Pazuzu barked. "Get Captain Derrick and Captain Rainier here now." As they scrambled to obey, activating their wrist tattoos, Pazuzu strode directly for her, snatching her into his arms to cradle against him.

She met his dark gaze and cupped his cheek, the stubble scraping her palm. "So I take it the meeting of the council or whatever didn't go well?"

His lips pressed together as he shook his head once, then rested his forehead against hers. That campfire and rosemary scent of his burrowed into her lungs, soothing in its familiarity.

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