Vol. 1

389 12 57

Skullgals #1 Shipping Wars

Poorman Apartments

The Player and Filia were watching TV while Squigly was reading through fan letters.

"Why don't the readers want me to have a ship?!" Squigly whined while reading the comments praising the Player x Filia.

"I guess it's because you're dead," the Player answered while channel surfing on the couch.

Squigly became deadpan with a flat glare. "But I'm alive and talking."

"Still a zombie."

"On a technicality!" Squigly argued. "Look, the bottom line is I'm only mostly dead. There's a difference between mostly dead and all dead."

The Player remained unconvinced and continued flipping through the channels unbothered.

Squigly gently hammered her fists on her thighs. "It's not fair! People only care about Filia!"

"Hey, I was the original pioneer for suggesting that we add shipping," Filia defended. "It's only fair."

Squigly scoffed. "Oh, please. They only like you because your thighs are thi-"

Filia's face became menacing, and her entire vibe became sinister. "You've seen what I've done to the Player. Do you really want to cross that bridge, Bubble Bu-"

The aura in the room was now thick with tension as Squigly's expression darkened. "Filia, we all know I won our first fight. You'll lose again if you start this," she warned.

The Player was looking between the girls with an amused look. "The Thunder Goddess in the red corner, and Phatom of the Opera in the blue. Considering our contestants, our readers will be getting that kaiju battle they wanted."

Despite his playful laughter, thinking he was clear for fun and games, the Player failed to realize the girls were standing in front of him and glaring down at him.

"You never learn," they both said.

When the Player opened his eyes from laughing and saw them, his face sagged with instant regret...


Skullgals #2 Birthday Blowout

Poorman Apartments
November 2nd

Player, Filia, & Leviathan: Happy birthday, Sienna | Squigly!

The gang pulled the strings on their party poppers and made it rain confetti over the birthday girl.

Squigly laughed joyfully as she was covered in multicolored streamers. "Aaaw! Thanks, guys! I'm surprised you remembered."

"Of course we remembered!" Filia gently backhanded Squigly's leg as a friendly gesture. "You're one of our best friends. There was no way we were going to forget something important like that. Player, get the cake so she can blow out her candles."

The Player suddenly froze.

"Psst. Hey!"Filia called out to him.

"....Hm?" The Player's voice cracked from beyond his sealed lips.

"The cake," Filia reiterated.

Uh... W-What are you talking about it? It's right there."

Filia looked around the living room but didn't see anything. She looked back at him, confused. "...Where?"

"Turn around, Sienna," the Player motioned his finger in a circle.

Confused, Squigly tilted her head on a slight angle. "Hm? Sure, but-" as she was beginning to turn, she realized what he was referring to. "Wait... Hey!"

Skullgals: The Not So Wonderful World Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant