Diagon Alley

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Vivian's P.O.V.

One of the words you would never hear me say is 'shopping spree'. But, this time, I actually want to do one of these things. My dad had always told me stories about his school years, but I never thought I would ever get to get to go to the same school.

It was also pretty cool of my dad to let me and my friends use all of his wizard money since he owned one of the top real estate agencies in the United States.

"I still don't get why we have to do this," Percy said. I rolled my eyes.

"Percy," Priscilla said, turning around and walking backwards. "We need to do this because Lydia's necklace is the most powerful tool in the Greek world. more powerful than Zeus' bolts. A piece of every demigod ever is contained within it, and in the wrong hands it can be very dangerous."

"Exactly," Lydia agreed.

Just then, Priscilla bumped into a girl with bushy brown hair.

"Oh, my gods, I'm so sorry," Priscilla said.

"It's fine," said the girl. "It's my fault, I should have been watching where I was going."

The girl looked at me and the other demigods.

"I have never seen you around here before," the girl said. "You look a little old for first years,"

"Gee, thanks," I said, as two kids walked up to the girl. "We're transfer students from Pearnora Academy. We were expelled,"

"That's near happened to me before," said a kid with jet black hair. He kind of looked like Percy, except for the glasses and the lighting shaped scar.

"Why were you kicked out," asked the kid with bright red hair.

"Flooded the cafeteria," Percy and Priscilla said.

"We blew up the auditorium," Nico said, gesturing to himself, Alessandra, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Thalia, Reyna, Hazel, Frank, Melody, Lydia and me.

"I burnt the school down," Leo said. The three kids stared at him.

"What?" The son of Hephaestus said.

"Nothing," the girl said. "I'm Hermione, by the way. That's Harry," she pointed at the kid with black hair. "And that's my boyfriend, Ron," she pointed at the red head.

"I'm Vivian," I said. "That's Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Calypso, Hazel, Frank, Will, Nico, Thalia, Reyna, Marcus, Alessandra, Lydia, Melody, and Priscilla,"

"Nico to meet you," Hermione said. "Well, we must get back to our shopping. I hope we see you around Hogwarts,"

"Bye," I smiled. They left and the other demigods and I went to get everything we needed.

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