Attack of the Ogres

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Kaval: Then Shizu... has passed away.

After Rimuru had absorbed Shizu's body. Kaval, Eren, and Gido had entered the tent along with Rigurd and Ranga.

Gido: Hold on, how do we know for sure you're really Rimuru?!

Rigurd: Of course we're sure it's Lord Rimuru!

Ranga: That's right! You really think I wouldn't recognize my own master just because his body's different?!

Kaval: N-No! That's not what we thought at all! ...To be honest, you kinda look like a younger version of Shizu.

Rimuru: Well it's me, watch.

His body became to liquify until eventually all that was left was a Slime.

Eren: Does that mean you ate Shizu... the same way you ate Ifrit?

Rimuru: ...I did. But because it was the only burial I could give her. I'm sorry, I should've consulted you guys before I did anything.

Kaval: No, you were only honoring her last request. It's fine.

Eren: If nothing else, I wish I could've still said goodbye to her.

Rimuru: ...Before she died, Shizu said she had a lot of fun traveling with you guys.

Blake: Even if you were a little danger prone, her exact words.

Eren and Gido looked at Kaval.

Kaval: H-Hold on, don't blame me!

Eren: You're the leader.

Gido: Yeah!

Kaval: Well what about you, Gido?! Remember the pitfall?

Gido: H-Hey, that only happened cause Eren pushed me!

Eren: Na-huh, you fell cause you were clumsy.

This argument honestly suits them better then being upset... wait, it actually sounds like you three relied a little too much on her.

As if reading my mind, Rigurd and Ranga nodded their heads in agreement.

Blake: As for the whole wishing to see Shizu off... I think there is still technically a way too do so.

The others looked confused before Rimuru, who got my message, turned back into his Human form.

Rimuru: Does this work okay?

The three bowed their heads.

Three: Shizu, thank you so much for everything!

Kaval: I'll try to be the kind of leader you won't have to worry about.

Gido: Even if our time was short, we had some great times together. I'll treasure those memories.

Eren: Thank you! Y-You became like a big sister to me Shizu!

Eren went up and hugged Rimuru who leaned in to make it seem like Shizu was hugging her back.

Honestly, Shizu had a rough life, but it still had it's good moments. She was fortunate her final hours were with these three.

Rimuru: By the way, what's with that junk you call gear?

Blake: Yeah, compared to the things I've seen so far. It's complete garbage.

The three then covered the themselves protectively with offended looks.

Three: How mean!

Before they went back to Blumund, we decided to give them a little parting gift.

Tensura: The Slime and the Hybridحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن