Forest Disturbance

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After some time, Rimuru finally woke up to greet our newly evolved subordinates.

Just like the Goblins, when they got named and evolved into the Hobgoblins and Goblinas. The Ogres had evolved into Kijin.

As a result of their evolution, not only had they become basically one of the most powerful people in this forest, but they also changed to a more Human like appearance.

Shame we only got six of them.

{Mimir: Actually, Goblins are a degraded version of the Kijin which are the descendants of the Enki, one of the original races of this world. This means that as time goes on, the Hobgoblins and Goblinas could evolve into Ogres and later on, Kijin.}

So what your saying is... every single Hobgoblin and Goblina in this village could become like Benimaru and the rest if given enough time and effort?

{Mimir: Pretty much.}

...Time to do some training!

And by training, I mean Hakuro taking some of our more skilled subordinates like Gobta and Gobzo; allowing him to mercilessly beat them into the ground until their a bloody and broken mess before healing them up and redoing it all over again.

Also, it was only after the Kijin joined that I noticed something interesting from our subordinates.

Whenever Benimaru or Rigurd addressed as separately, it was always Rimuru first and then me. But when we spoke to Shuna or Souei, it was my name before Rimuru's.

According to Mimir, the reason for this was actually them addressing the person who gave them their name first. They were extremely loyal to both of us, but held a slight more respect to personally whoever named. And in an act to show this respect, they address the person who named them first when addressing us separately.

This explained why some of our people referred to Rimuru by name first and others by me first. But that's not really important at this point.

On top a hill, while watching Hakuro tortur-I mean, train the others. Benimaru gave us a little more info on the Orcs.

Rimuru: Orc Lord?

Benimaru: To put it rather simply, a literal monster. Their an incredibly rare beast that is born to the Orcs every few centuries, similar to the Kijin actually. It is a unique monster that is capable of devouring the fear and anxiety of their comrades, making them an unnaturally effective leader.

Blake: What makes you think one is with them?

Benimaru: When they attacked my village, they seemed completely unfazed by the death of their own people. Hence, my suspicion.

Still seems a bit far fetched to me.

Rimuru: But why bother attacking your village in the first place?

Benimaru: ...I'm not sure if there's a connection, but shortly before the attack, a Majin came to our village. When he saw me, he said he'd give me a name. But he seemed rather untrustworthy, so I naturally refused; he cursed me while leaving the village.

Rimuru: A Majin... you think he was upset that you rejected his gift?

Benimaru: Perhaps, but I had no other choice. I'd never except such a gift from an unsuitable master. I am rather particular, so I wouldn't accept a name from just anyone.

Blake: This Majin... was he named Gelmud by chance?

Benimaru: Uh, I believe so... you know of him?

Blake: Before we got to this village. The Goblins actually had a named warrior with them who was son of Rigurd, the villages elder. According to Rigur, who was this warrior's brother, a Majin named Gelmud named him after seeing great potential within him.

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