Seasonal Activities

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Blake: There's really nothing?

Shion: Yes, there is no urgent items currently happening for the day.

That's... surprising to say the least.

You'd think that for the people in charge of running an entire nation, that we'd have a lot of work for a single day. The fact there is basically nothing for us to do as rulers is almost unthinkable.

Rigurd: Perhaps in that time, you two can get some rest.

Rimuru: Good point. I don't think either of us have ever had any time off at all.

Blake: That's true. It's usually just work after work, so this is a rare occasion. It wouldn't hurt to lay back and chill for a bit.

Rimuru: Yeah! Today, I'm just gonna forget all about work for the time and have a disgustingly lazy day!

Rigurd: Hahaha! Please my lords, be as lazy as you'd like for the day.

Deciding to do that, the two of us went back to our home with me laying on the couch to take a quick nap.

Meanwhile for Rimuru, he bounced around for fun, then tried to practice his aim with some kunai, before he just randomly started to shake in order to cure his boredom.

Eventually, Rimuru couldn't take it anymore and went back to their office to desperately find so work to do.


Gobta: So you just ended up going straight back to work?

Rimuru: Yeah... when they told me that I didn't need to do anything, I got restless! Honestly, I don't know how Blake does it...

Gobta: Man! When you get that rare day off, you got to have fun with it! We've had some great new businesses pop up lately. Just leave to me to give you the grand tour!

With that, the two looked at the various new kinds of stands that had shown up, from a barbeque to even a gift shop.

Gobta: Between us, I just really hope we come across a place with some ladies soon.

Rimuru: Now your talking!

Rigur: Where did he go?

Hakuro: I'm believe I saw him go this way.

The two turned and Gobta's faced paled when he saw Blake, Hakuro, and Rigur walking down the road while looking around.

Quickly reacting, Gobta grabbed Rimuru and dragged him away to behind a nearby stall.

Hakuro: Did we imagine it?

Rigur: No, he was here, but he got away.

Blake: Hmm.

Meanwhile, Gobta was looking at them from behind the wall; as Rimuru was giving him an incredulous look.

Gobta: Man... enjoying a day off isn't always easy right?

Rimuru: Except, I think you're just playing hooky.

However, it was then that Rimuru remembered something.

As the trio were walking down, he noticed that it was really only Hakuro and Rigur looking around, while Blake was looking straight ahead in their general direction.

In fact, when Rimuru looked back at the group, he saw that Blake was missing.

Gobta: Um, where did Lord Blake g-

He stopped after he felt a hand on his shoulder with the atmosphere turning cold, he slowly turned and his horror only grew when he saw a pair of glowing blue eyes staring at him.

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