Raise and Shine to the Moon?

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CatNap yawned and stretched, doing his best to get out of bed, he made simple waffles, he started to make his school lunch while they cooked, ignoring the clock saying that if more than five minutes passed... He'd be late. Like always. He ate his waffles and left for school. He heard fast foot steps and turned to see Hoppy running at him.

Hoppy "CatNap!" She yelled, knowing she'd catch up either way

She caught up to him and started walking. Hoppy started talking about how tired CatNap looked and why he was always late. Eventually CatNap hissed at her, his only form of communication being his little ability to make cat sounds.

Hoppy "You aren't scary. I was just asking. DogDay wont be happy"

CatNap "Mrrrr..." He growled

Hoppy "Hahah!"

They came up to the school and opened the door, signing in. Hoppy checked the time and ran to her class, waving CatNap Bye.

CatNap Walked into his class, the teacher immediately started to scold him like every day. DogDay looked at him, worried.

DogDay "Good morn-"

CatNap "Mrrrr..." He said putting his head down to sleep more

DogDay "... Good night" he smiled

The teacher threw a ball of paper at Catnap and scolded him.

Math teacher "School is not a place to Sleep!"

CatNap wrote something on a paper and showed it to her.

"Then home is not a place to work, bitch 🖕"

The teacher took it, gave it to Dogday and yelled at him.

M. Teacher"Dogday, take him to the principal's office!"

DogDay stood up with his things and waited for CatNap at the door. CatNap followed him, half way to the office he started walking to the door to outside.

Dogday "Hey! Where are you going?"

CatNap just pulled something out of his pocket and waved it at him. He was holding a pack of cigarettes.

Dogday "No!" He said as he started to chase him

CatNap lit a cigarette and started to smoke it. DogDay tried to take it but didn't wanna let the door lock them out.

DogDay "Come here! Give those to me, I have to confiscate them and have the principal call your parents!"

CatNap just looks back at him. DogDay remembers what happened and his ears drop.

DogDay "I- I mean... Uhhh... I'm sorry..."

DogDay put his backpack in the door and leaned against the wall with CatNap. The memories flash through his head. The call from the hospital, saying CatNap and his parents got into a terrible accident. Killing his parents and his voice box badly damaged. It has been 7 years since any of their friends heard catnap talk and 7 years since CatNap started hiding himself away.

DogDay decided to let Catnap have a break. He watched Catnap carefully extinguish the cigarette and threw it away. CatNap went back in and let Dogday take him to the office. The principal scolded him and threatened to expel him.

Principal "If you get in trouble one more time you won't be able to graduate... You smell like smoke."

CatNap raised an eyebrow, giving the principal a "Oh, really?" Look.

Principal "Stay in here until core 2. And I don't wanna see you here again."

CatNap just nods.

Principal "Promise."

CatNap stayed silent.

Principal "I know you can still promise without words."

CatNap "... Mrooow...." He rolled his eyes


CatNap stands and goes to sit in the main part of the office.

DogDay"Don't worry, I'll get your homework"

CatNap"Mrrrr....." He growls

DogDay pats his back and leaves. CatNap slumps in his seat, pulls his phone out and scrolls his Twitter (I am not calling it X. It sounds inappropriate lol-) he yawned and closed his eyes, after what felt like 2 seconds the bell went off, he got his stuff and left to his next class, Reading. He sat down and looked at the seat next to him, he looked around the room, realizing it was completely empty and dark. He stood up.

CatNap"Mrow?" He looked around more, he wasn't told that class was cancelled

After a few more sounds he walked into the hall, which was also empty. He looked around confused.

CatNap "Mraw?"

He listened closely, it was very quiet. He went into the lunch room, empty.


He whipped around to see the lunch room entrance blocked by the ceiling, it was on fire.

CatNap "Mrow!" He tried calling through the windows, to no avail

He ran to the other side of the room, he slammed his shoulder against the door but it was jammed. He looked at the fire, eyes filled with fear, his breath sped up. He looked in his backpack for something to use on the door. All he had were note books, a hoodie, his gym clothes, bandages for his wrists and a pack of cigarettes. He took his phone out of his pocket and called a number, his heart stopped when no one answered, he tried a different one, again, no answer. He tried one more but no one answered. He collapsed and started coughing. He went farther by going the way the lines for school lunch for. He saw the freezer and got an idiot idea. He grabbed the handle and seemed to hear Bubba's voice.

"did you know that the school freezer can't be opened from the inside? A girl at a different school got trapped in there after school and died of hyperthermia."

He let go of the handle, curling up in the corner. He was shaking, having flashbacks of the horrible fire that took his mother and father. He thought surely he would get taken too.

CatNap "Mrrr..... Mrrrow..." He backed up more as the fire crept closer

His phone rang and he quickly looked, it was Kicken's number, he answered.

Kicken' "Yo, bro where are you? Why aren't you outside?"

CatNap "Mrow... MROOOW!!" He screeched as his tail caught fire

He quickly put it out, he took a deep breath and looked at the freezer. He could hear Dogday panicking in the background, yelling for CatNap. CatNap ran and hid in the freezer.

Kicken' "Kitty bro where are y-" his voice was cut off as CatNaps phone died

CatNap looked at the door and noticed no handle and no gap to grab. He was trapped and couldn't ask for help. He felt tears prick his eye for the first time since the crash. He'd lost everything that day. Everyone who'd loved him. After eventually ageing out of foster care he came to college where he met his only 7 friends. Who has no clue where he was.

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