Cheater Cheater

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DogDay picked CatNap up, checking him over. CatNap woke up and started to cry, he was covered in bruises, bites and claw marks. DogDay held the crying kitty close, petting his head. DogDay took him outside so he could smoke. CatNap lit a cigarette and sat down, still crying.

DogDay "What happened..?"

CatNap "Meeew....."

DogDay "Someone break in?"

CatNap shook his head, he knew who it was but he wasn't scared. He was threatened. DogDay tried to kiss Catnap to comfort him. CatNap blew Smoke at him. DogDay Coughed and gave him an upset look. Hoppy's dad came and sit next to CatNap and grabbed his shoulder.

Mr. Hopscotch "You okay kid?"

CatNap started to shake. DogDay pulled CatNap to him and pet him. CatNap looked up at Dogday, scared.

Mr. Hopscotch "What'd that guy do to ya? How mean was he?"

DogDay "Who said it was a male?"

Mr. Hopscotch "I-i-i-iiiii-iii- uhh- ... I guessed"

DogDay "Go back inside and look for evidence please" he said and watched him leave

CatNap calmed down, started bawling and rolled over to hide his face in DogDay's chest. DogDay pet him gently and went on to kiss his head, CatNap looked up at them and their lips met for a second before Dogday pulled away. DogDay started to apologize when Catnap launched forward to kiss him again. DogDay's tail wagged and hugged CatNap as they kissed. CatNap took himself away and cuddled into Dogday's neck to hide how red his face was.

DogDay "Was it him..? Hoppy's dad..? What'd he do..?" His voice was soft and calming

CatNap used his hands to act out sometimes more intimate. DogDay's heart skipped a beat, He felt horrible for not protecting CatNap. CatNap cuddled to Dogday and put his cigarette out. DogDay picked CatNap up and walked in. He went to say something but cut off by the sounds of yelling and screaming. He and Hoppy opened the door.

Mrs. Hopscotch "HOW COULD YOU!? 9 YEARS!!"

Mr. Hopscotch "It's not what you think-"


Hoppy "Dad... You slept with CatNap..?" She looked back to glare at the cat


Hoppy"Fuck you!" She said before running off crying

Bubba was watching this all play out. Hoppy's parents kept fighting before it was finally said.

Mrs. Hopscotch "I want a divorce." She growled before walking out

CatNap grabbed Lily's leash and ran half way home before falling to the ground and crying. Someone behind him honked there horn, he looked at the car next to him as they put the window down. Lily growled.

Kicken' "Need a ride..?" He said as he unlocked the doors

CatNap got Lily and himself in, he wiped his nose on his sleeve. Kicken' started driving but he went past Catnap's house. CatNap turned to him.

Kicken' "I'm kidnapping you" he said playfully

After a while he slowed and pulled into a dirt driveway, he drove for another mile before stopping and parking in the middle of nowhere. Kickin' got out and started walking, CatNap reluctantly followed. Lily seemed on edge.

CatNap "Mrow..?"

Kicken' "My mom insisted on a cottage by a river in the woods."

CatNap nodded. After a while they walked into a clearing.

Kicken' "Do you want some alcohol?"

CatNap looked at him in surprise. Kicken' was the youngest at the group. The oldest being 23 and Kicken' is 18. Kicken' Snickerd and walk into his house.

Kicken' "Mom, I'm home! I have company, order us some pizza!"

CatNap's jaw dropped. Kicken' was talking to his mom like she was his maid. Kicken' poured two cups of alcohol and gave one to CatNap. CatNap was 20. He didn't have anyone to yell at him though. Kicken' sat on the couch, turned the TV on and took a sip of him drick. CatNap sat with him and sighed, he took a small sip. He didn't hate it but it wasn't better than tea. CatNap slowly drank it. Kicken' just took the whole bottle. CatNap went dizzy. Kicken' drank the whole bottle at this point, he grabbed CatNap's hip and rolled on top of him.

CatNap "MrOw?"

Kicken' got really close and went to kiss him before Lily Barked.

CatNap "MrA- aH"

Lily laid down, worried about the two of them. Kicken' kissed CatNap and got on top of him.


Hoppy shoved Dogday away. Cursing him out.

Crafty "I'm sure it's a misunderstanding..."

Hoppy "Misunderstanding..? Misunderstanding!? THAT FAGOT FUCKED EVERYTHING UP! I HAD A WHOLE FAMILY!"

Bubba "Mother fucker-"


Picky "I wouldn't go that far-"

Hoppy "Right because you're sooo smart! I'm done with all of you! I don't need friends!"

Picky "But... what about gym-"

Crafty "We're partners in art-"


After everyone left the house Bobby stood and watched everyone go to their cars.

Bobby "Anyone wanna go out..? I'll pay..."

DogDay"No..." He growled

Picky "Maybe later..."

Crafty "Sorry..."

Bubba "I'm gonna go home..."

Bobby "Oh... That's okay... Uhhh... What about..." She stopped as her friends started leaving

Bobby got in her car and drove home. She parked and went into her house. She fed her cat and laid in bed. She sat up when she heard her name, she stood up and opened her door.

Bobby "Dad? Aren't you meant to be at work?"

Mr. Bearhug hugged his daughter. He sighed.

Mr. Bearhug "I got fired..." He said

Bobby "Why?"

Mr. Bearhug "I may have accidentally slept with my bosses significant other"

Bobby "But your boss is a girl- ..."

Mr. Bearhug "Now you know why Mom left for milk and not me" he said awkwardly

Bobby "And what happened?"

Mr. Bearhug went silent

Bobby "Dad..."

A wolf walked out of Her dad's bedroom..

"babe are you- ... Is this your daughter?"

Bobby "That's kinda gay"

Mr. Bearhug "Like father like daughter"

Bobby gasped and slapped his chest. He wrapped around her and threw her on the couch.

Bobby "AH!"

Mr. Bearhug "What happened?"

Bobby's mood changed.

Bobby "I think my friend group is one little pinch from falling apar-" her phone rang

She answered and listened. DogDay was crying, talking about cheater.

Bobby "What?"

DogDay "Kicken' fucking slept with CatNap..." He sobbed

DogDay hung up after a while. Her dad looked at her.

Bobby "My friend group fell apart..." She teared up

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