Catnapped - Part Two

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It was almost the end of the week, Catnap woke up and yawned. CatNap was getting assaulted at least once every day but they still fed and watered him, so it wasn't a living hell in his book. CatNap heard someone open the door and come down, he curled up, nervous. He gave Catnap food and left. CatNap sniffed carefully before eating it. He drank some of his water. He heard something behind him on the other end  of the room, he slowly stalked towards it. A rat looked up at him, CatNap ran after it as it ran. The more dominant guy came down and stopped when Catnap ran in front of him. The guy watched Catnap chase the rat, he realized CatNap had a lot less energy than before, he wasn't getting enough exercise. He went up and asked his friend to help him.

"what do you want, Lu?"

"it's Lukas. Now help me get a treadmill down there, dickwad."

"Kittens got claws~"

The lynx whipped his head around and snarled at him before he stood up, he was a whole two feet taller than Lukas, who immediately backed down. Lukas and his buddy got a treadmill to the door.

Lukas "I am not walking backwards"

"yes, you are"

Lukas "Michae-"

"Michaelllll Michaeeeeellllll" he whined in mockery

Lukas growled and started walking backwards down the stairs. Michael shoved the treadmill gently. Lukas gripped it so he didn't fall. Lukas put it in the corner and plugged it in, and turned it on. CatNap ran over, dropped the dead rat and started running on it.

Michael "Is he metal?"

Lukas "Some people just like running on all fours... Probably a trauma response"

Michael and Lukas went back up. Michael sat back down and yawned.

Michael"Come do this for me, my arms hurt." He said turning the TV on

Lukas walked over to the couch and questioned him. After he got his explanation from the deer he blushed, shaking his head. Michael shoved Lukas onto his knees in front of him, Lukas just stared. Lukas looked up at him. Michael just got his shirt off before Lukas covered his face. Michael took off Lukas' shirt too. Michael went to kiss Lukas when someone knocked. Lukas answered and saw Hoppy, he froze. Hoppy Started questioning him when they heard a thud from the basement. Michael came over and insisted she check. Hoppy was suspicious but she did, they shoved her down and she quickly tucked and rolled, landing with only a sprained wrist. They closed her in and CatNap tackled her, cuddling and rubbing against her.

Hoppy "At least there's a treadmill..." She groaned

Hoppy took out her phone but it was shattered. She growled and looked around. There was really nothing. Hoppy took her headband off, and stood by a window. It was a very small window. Hoppy ran and grabbed her phone, she tried angling the phone to reflect light. It wasn't working. Hoppy looked around, there was a single dresser and an old busted TV. Hoppy looked in the drawer, there were a few blankets and pillows, five hoodies of different sizes, a rats nest and a screw. Hoppy threw a hoodie at the shivering cat. Hoppy put one of the hoodies on, she was running and saw purple fur in this driveway and decided to check, so she was in a zip up bra and work-out shorts. Hoppy set up a shitty bed she could share with CatNap. She looked at the rats nest.

Hoppy "Come look at the little babies"

CatNap froze. He looked at the flattened rat that he'd killed and been playing with. CatNap came and looked at the 3 little babies, the other 5 babies dead. Catnap teared up, he'd killed a mother with babies. He missed his baby. And his fiance. Hoppy sighed and ran up the stairs before banging on the door. Lukas opened it.

Lukas "What?"

Hoppy "We need rat milk"

Lukas "Uhhh... What?"

Hoppy "Rat. Milk."

Lukas "Yeah, I heard you but huh?"

Hoppy "Are you deaf!? RAT. MILK." She groaned

Lukas just nodded and went to the store. Hoppy went down and rubbed CatNap's back. She looked back at the nest and jumped when the 3 babies were gone. She looked at Catnap, who was hiding in the corner. Hoppy understood CatNap felt safer in darker and smaller spaces, but he was scared of the dark. She used her shirt to use her phone. She wanted to call someone but she had no signal. She made CatNap a dark area. She moved the dresser and Treadmill to make a square. She Laid a blanket down and used the little duck tape she had and taped them down. CatNap picked something up into his mouth and hid, putting it down. Hoppy looked closely and sighed. CatNap was holding the Little baby rat close, trying his best to replace the absence of his real daughter. Hoppy sat with him and pet him. CatNap slowly blinked at her, showing a high level of trust.  Hoppy accidentally rubbed his ear and Catnap just sighed, rubbing closer, searching desperately for love and comfort. Hoppy scratched that spot behind his ear, being very gentle. Lukas Opened the door, stomped down, out down a bag of groceries and two plates of food. Hoppy got up and looked in the bag, rat milk and a very little bottle, two bags of chips, two 8 packs of Gatorade, some Catnip and a laser pointer. Hoppy called CatNap over and he slowly stalked over. Hoppy put a small pile of Catnip on the floor and sprinkled some catnip on his nose. CatNap rolled onto his side, purring. Hoppy started feeding the babies carefully, Watching CatNap play around. CatNap rolled in the Catnip and purred loudly. CatNap jumped up and flipped around a few times before flipping onto the floor again. Hoppy put the little bottle down and grabbed the laser pointer.

•--One Hour Later--•

CatNap flopped down with the little rats and passed out. When it got dark Hoppy grabbed a light she had in her pocket and taped it to a pole on the treadmill and turned on the dim light so Catnap could sleep perfectly. She got behind him and curled up like he was. After a minute she finally understood his liking for the position. She was warmer than if she was straight and It was good for flexibility but her back was already hurting so she rolled over and cuddled to CatNap. CatNap waited for Hoppy to fall asleep before using his tail to pull some blanket on her and laying his tail on her. Hoppy smiled when she heard Catnap start to purr.

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