Prolouge: The Beginning...

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It was a surprise when the word spread through the temple that a woman gave birth to twins. And to hear the twins were two different genders was even rarer, what the couple of these extraordinary children, didn't know was their world was going to be flipped upside down. In the night during a ferocious storm, they came for the children, bringing an assortment of toys. They tested the boy first and he chose the toys the Avatar from past lives had chosen before him. They took the boy to be secluded from his parents so he can be trained to be the next Avatar. The monks then sent the couple and their baby girl in hiding. But what the monks were not prepared for was to learn the young girl showed some air bending, and shockingly some water bending skills. The monks then realized she too had the bending abilities like her brother, like the Avatar. The monks were confused on the matter of how but one monk named, Gyatso, suggested she should be trained of all the elements to become the Avatar Guide. The monks decided and agreed on the matter. She was then sent to the Eastern Air Temple to train, with her master Gyatso. Kyra was a fast learner, so fast that she was the youngest air-bender to ever get her tattoos and become an air-bending master.

As she grew so did her bending, faster than even the Avatar. She moved on to water bending, to do so she was sent to the Northern Water Tribe where she finally understood her purpose. She decided she wanted her name to be Kyra, that way no one would know she was an air bender. Kyra at twelve years became an amazing water bending master and bonded with the people of the Northern Water Tribe. She saw this community as her home, for they took her when she was a mess and transformed her into a confident young girl. But to progress her training Kyra was dragged to Ba Sing Se where she met a man named, Zhou Beifong. Zhou was harsh when training Kyra, but she was determined and conquered every obstacle he had placed before her. At fourteen she became a master of earth and made a friendship with the Beifong family. During the end of her training, the monks sent Gyatso to tell her the news that her brother had disappeared and a war was brewing. Frightened she was escorted to the Southern Air Temple to give the oath to be the Avatar Guide, to forever protect an Avatar in need. In panic, Kyra sent the women and children to the Western air temple to have a fighting chance. Like predicted the fire nation finally came to destroy all air-benders, she fought for her people but only came to realize she needed to fight another day. 

Kyra was taken and hidden underneath the temple to be frozen in ice, this way she could never age. This way she could teach the next generations of Avatars. With only the friends who have helped her advance her skills before her, she closed her eyes was placed under the Southern Air Temple, in an earth square around her, encased in ice. Alone in her encasement, she transcends into the spirit world but it is interrupted when Kyra was awoken a mere 90 years after the siege onto the air bending temples. A group of men who call themselves the White Lotus and her new mentor, General Iroh stood before her. General Iroh gave her a secret name so no one would question her in the Fire Nation. Her new name was Lieutenant Sho, from the earth colonies. General Iroh introduced her to his nephew and niece who were quite young at the time and were fond of her. Prince Zuko was fascinated by her. he wanted Sho to teach him advanced fire bending. Azula on the outside hated her but on the inside Azula envied Sho. When Sho learned from her mentor it wasn't long before she also learned to be a firebending master. Kyra's time of training to be the Avatar Guide was done and she now had to encase her body once more. General Iroh and the White Lotus froze her in a secluded place, where they found her so no one could find her. Before General Iroh left, he whispered to Kyra's frozen statue "One day we will meet again, my friend."

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