The Return from the Boiling Rock: Zuko

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It's been a another few weeks at the Western Air temples and in those last few weeks some how I had lost my fuel to bend. Even with Kyra trying to help me figure out what could have gone wrong nothing seemed to work. The advice she gave me was about the ancient people who first started fire bending, maybe if I went there I would find something to jump start my bending in a new and positive way. As I was getting ready to leave she told me to invite Aang. I didn't like the idea much but I wanted to please her. He came along with Appa which was quite unpleasant. While at the old fire temples we found that the ancient people weren't extinct and neither were the dragons. Aang and I were tested by the dragons and the dragons saw us worthy. We also learned a fire bending dance called the Dancing Dragon. After that quick adventure I bonded with Aang. After about 2 days of rest Sokka asked me a question, he asked about the possible place where the fire nation held war prisoners. The only place I new was a prison called the Boiling Rock. When I told he only nodded and went about his normal duties. I of course got suspicious and slept on Appa that night. Sokka in the real early morning appeared. Which sadly lead me to join on his quest to save his father, that had been captured. When we reached the Boiling Rock we had only found this girl named Suki. Who I guess is Sokka's girlfriend. Which then lead to an escape plan where I ended up getting caught, just minor details really.I later found out that the warden was Mai's uncle and when she walked into my cell I was happy for just a moment. Kyra clouded her and she was all I could see that's when I knew Mai was no longer the love I needed. Mai of course hated me for dumping her through a letter but I couldn't face her then or explain how I felt. I knew she still loved me but my feelings are for Kyra and always will be. When Sokkas father did arrive we escaped the Sokka way, in total chaos. But we made it surviving the ambush of my sister and her friends.

As we arrived to the Western Air Temples in our Fire Nation air craft, Sokka told Hakoda and Suki all about my dear Kyra. Hakoda was surprised about there being another person who could bend other elements but happy that our world still has a chance. I looked out the window to see the temples entrance. I saw the girls all standing around at the edge of the temple watching us arrive. I spotted Kyra she was in the front, She was covering herself in a light red blanket. As we landed the aircraft Sokka and I exited the aircraft first. Sokka said some corny line and moved out of the way so that Suki and Hakoda exited. I watch as Katara ran to her father with tears in her eyes "Dad! Aang came into view and shook Hakoda's arm, "Nice to see you again." I saw that Suki and Sokka were holding each other smiling. Toph was awkwardly sitting in her earth chair laughing at the whole scene.Then I felt something hit me, arms were around me holding me tight around my torso. I looked down and saw Kyra. I smiled and hugged her back. "Did you miss me?." She pulled back and punched me in the stomach. "Ow! what was that for!" She let a tear fall down her face, "You could of told me! I was so worried about you!" I smirked, "You were worried about me?" She crossed her arms, "No..." I gave a grin, "You were worried about me!" She rolled her eyes and started to turn away. I pulled her blanket causing her to come towards me. "I'm sorry Kyra, truly.." She gave me a glare, "Zu-" I pulled her into a hard hug and kissed her forehead.

I heard gasps, I pulled back and saw that everyone was watching us. "Uh, how long have you guys been watching us?"I said scratching my head chuckling. Kyra pulled away from me and fixed a piece of her hair behind her ear. Hakoda is the only one who reacts to the question,"The whole time son." Kyra blushes a faint pink and looks at Aang who is still stunned by the affection.  "So you must be Kyra." Suki said with a smirk. Kyra smiled, "Yes and you must be Suki. Your beauty is just as Sokka described!" Suki blushes and turned to Sokka smiling. Sokka blushes as he shrugs. Kyra smiles at them and scans to see Hakoda looking at her. "Chief Hakoda... It's finally nice to meet you.." She walked up and stuck her arm for the formal Water Tribe handshake. Which Hakoda proudly shook and chuckled. It always amazed me how Kyra's charm had effected the whole group, by just being herself. I think I love this the most about her.
The sun was finally setting and laughter rolled through the temples. Kyra was making everyone's stomach hurt from her past stories, long before she knew about being the Avatar guide. I loved to watch her tell a stories, even when I was child because she got way into it. As I was scanning the group Aang was staring at me, "Zuko can we talk?" He whispered while standing up. I stood confused as I followed him to the fountain. Aang was staring at the mist,"Do you care for her?" I was confused on what he meant,"Care for who?" Aang spun around and clenched his fists,"My sister!!" I got red in the face, "I don't know Aang, why do you ask?"

He rolled his eyes, "Uhm I don't know let's see.. Probably because I saw the way you acted with her today!" I scratched the back of my head, "Right, that.. Uh ok look Aang, Kyra and I don't know what this connection is between us, but what I do know is I care for her more than I have ever cared for anyone." He sighed and released his clenched fists, "I just don't want her to get hurt, she's been through enough in her life." I walked over to Aang putting my hand on his shoulder, "I am never going to hurt her in anyway.. I uh.. I do.. Err, I think I love her Aang." He smiled with relief, "I'm happy for you... just don't break her heart.." I chuckled while he quickly gave me a hug. I rolled my eyes and hugged him back. He pulled away, "Keep her safe for me." I smiled, "Always.." He gave me a smirk, "Does she know?" I gave him a smirk back, "Does Katara know you care for her?" He blushed, "Uh.." I chuckled, "Yeah I'm with yah buddy.." We both walked back to the laughing group behind us. I sat next to Kyra putting my arm around her. I watched Aang smile at us and then look at Katara wishing he could give her affection to.

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