Aang's Fire Bending Teacher: Katara

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It's been a few days since Kyra has arrived at the Western Air Temples. Aang has become more himself since the failure of the raid, even around her. Toph and Sokka have found her humor entertaining. Zuko seems to have a weird romantic thing for her. He gets awkward and denies feelings for her every time Toph makes a comment. But I am not fooled, I have watched the way he looks at her. As for me I still don't trust her, I have this feeling deep in my gut, she will put us in danger. She is still weak, I watch her protect her side when she takes her late afternoon walks. I have been giving her healing treatments, while these treatments I try not to make conversation. Kyra also doesn't make conversation either, she is silent as I move my hands over her wounds. I believe Aang has noticed this, he watches us like a fire hawk.

I'm laying still in my sleeping bag it seems to be early morning, the chill of air sweeps through the deserted temples. I turn on my right to see Sokka drooling, Toph laying near Sokka smiling, and Aang is laying peacefully on Appa's tail. I turn on my left to see Zuko sitting on the edge looking at the rising sun. His feet are dangling and his facial expressions tell me he is in deep thought. I quietly slither out of my sleeping bag and tiptoe towards him. As I reach him I see he has been sitting here for awhile his eyes have dark bags under them. "Zuko?" He jolts and looks up, "Oh, hey.." I sit down and look over at him, "Zuko what is troubling you?" He looks up at the sky, "Nothing! Nothing is wrong." I gave him a scowl, "Zuko, I'm not stupid and you need to control your anger!" I started to stand as he grabs my arm and looks at me, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have lost my temper..." I sighed and sat back down, "It's Kyra..." I can feel the heat radiating off of him. He stares back at the sun and sighs, "I just.. Kyra is..Uh!" He let's out a fist of fire into the abyss below. Inside me I feel sorry for him, but then again last time I felt sorry for him he betrayed me, "Look Zuko whatever is wrong I'm sure it will work out." I give him a reassuring side hug and start to get up, "Katara, have you ever been in love?" I fall back down at that question, "Uh, yeah I guess so.." I turn to look at Aang who is still sleeping peacefully. "I mean I don't know if I'm in love, but I feel something..." I hear him whisper, I turn back and look at him. "I thought the same once... I still don't know if I am or not either.." He gave a stunning look, "Oh, uh sorry if I brought ba-" I grabbed his shoulder, "Zuko, your fine.. what difficulties are you having?" Zuko looked down at his feet, "First I guess its Mai.." I remembered her from the recent fights with Azula, supposedly she was Azula's 'friend', "Was she your girlfriend?" He sighed, "She used to be.. And now that Kyra is here.. I don't feel anything for Mai." he pauses and looks at the entrance to the rooms, "I feel this raw emotion when I am around her, this feeling I've never felt before but Kyra told me something that broke me.." I grabbed his hand, "What did she say Zuko?" He started to cry. I had never seen him so vulnerable. "She told me that after Aang defeats my father she must leave in year. During that year she must train and help Aang bring balance before being frozen in ice." I didn't know what to say to him, "Oh Zuko.." I gave him a side hug. "Thanks.." I let a smile form on my face. "It will turn out fine.." I stand and walk back to the slumbering group. As I leave I listened to him sigh and turn back to the rising sun.

Everyone has finally awaken, I had already got kindle for the fire and water into the pitchers. Kyra had emerged from her room speaking with Aang and Zuko, softly. I guess Aang starts fire bending training today, but we weren't quite sure if they were going to wait until Kyra was fully healed. I watch as they all nod to each other and leave to go somewhere to have room to bend. I get up leaving Toph making fun of Sokka, who got his tongue singed from the morning bacon. I follow the three to an open area, Aang sits and watches Zuko. Zuko and Kyra seem to be getting ready for a Agni Kai, they were laughing as they split and got into stances. I go and sit next to Aang who seems excited about his new teacher. I lean and whisper to Aang, "Do you think Zuko is really the best choice?" Aang moves from his gaze, "Yes Katara I do." He turned from me as I sigh as Zuko looks to us, "Alright, Aang now watch carefully.." Zuko said and faced Kyra. Kyra smiles laughing, "Aang, what you need to know about fire bending is that its life. But this life if used improperly can be deadly." She says smiling at Aang, "Aang just be calm you don't want anger and jealousy to fuel your fire. You want to let a positive influence fuel your fire. Same thing to you Zuko." Zuko smiled, "Are you sure you strong enough? I think it would be best if you tried to rest another day." Kyra smiles, "Are you afraid an old lady will beat you?" Zuko smirks and we watch them bend. I have never seen fire bending so beautiful. All of my years fire-bending was a sign of destruction, and the people taking what they wanted. Never have I considered it to be something of beauty. But here watching them, I felt different about fire bending. Instead of them fighting they looked like they were dancing. Kyra's blue flames and Zuko's ember flames finally collided creating a tunnel. Creating a vibrant amount of different colors of fire. Aang's mouth dropped and I smiled in amazement. They finally finished with a loving smile towards each other. Aang rose, "That was beautiful... I think I'm ready to try.." Kyra moved her loving glance toward Aang, "First Aang what did you learn?" He smiled at her, "I learned that fire isn't a destructive element....It can be beautiful." She looked like she was about to cry, "Aang mimic my move.." Zuko said while punching the sky. We all watch as Aang mimicked the move and a small amount of fire flew from his fist. Kyra jumped with glee as she ran over an hugged Aang. Kyra made Zuko join the hug. "Don't be discouraged. That small amount, when practiced, can be the most powerful." And then she looked at me, "Katara.." She left the hug and came over to me. "What?" I say with a scowl. She smiled, "Thank you for watching over my brother." She quickly gave me a hug. A shiver ran up my spine when she whispered in my ear "And for falling in love with him.." When she pulled back she smiled and went back to Zuko who put an arm around her. Aang followed them smirking at Kyra, who was blushing.

For the reason I have not yet come to terms with trusting Zuko but as for Kyra I have started to envy her.

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