04 | Memories and Mistakes

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I've never felt this awkward, My father sitting in front of me and my brother beside me.

They both look at me with, What's the word ?


I've never felt this emotion.

I don't have any of my belongings because they think that my house burnt down.

"So how've you been all these years?" A thick Italian accent accent asked me, I looked beside me to see Lorenzo looking at me trying to find an answer.


I think my blunt answer, hurt him.

I looked at my father and then back at Lorenzo.

I take my phone out, to leave this awkward moment and started looking at my gallery for any shit that I still have that I don't need.

I found some old photos that were of me and Diego.

After a few seconds, that's when I find a photo of me and, Jacob.

It was of him in a hospital gown and me in a black shirt.


"Jacob, how are you?" I asked him. I had just checked all the warehouse only to find Jacob, in one of them.

He was like a brother to me and it hurt me to see him, bloodied, brusied, burned.

"Val" he answered in a hoarse voice "Val , what happened? Why am I in a hospital? What happened to the guards? What-how did-"

"We're safe" I said as I smiled at him

"What do you mean??"He asked confused

"Let's just say, that I, Valentina has fixed our problems.."

"What do you-"

"I killed him" I say bluntly.

He stared at the wall, as I waited him to realise what I did.

After a minute, his eyes widened,"that means-"


"What are you gonna do, your just," he pauses and looks back at me "how old are you?"


"Yeah , 15. You can't take the whole american mafia." He said as he took my hand in his own.

"Let's take a walk. " I said with a genuine smile, I helped him into the the wheel chair.

I wheeled him down the hospital and walked to the garden and found us a place to sit. I sat on the bench and rolled his wheel chair to beside me.

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