Chapter 5: A Gift From A Champion

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(I don't own Pokemon)

Ash and his friends were walking out of the Pokemon Center

"So where are we going next" Orion asked "well I wanna see if there's anything we can do at the Pokemon league as it should be empty right now" Ash said "Well then let's go and check the league out" Addison said as they all went to the Pokemon league

When they got their Ash saw his childhood friend Gary Oak checking out the pokemon league

"Oh hey Gary" Ash said

"Hey Ash how are you doing" Gary said as they first bumped

"So what brings you here and who are those two" Gary asked

"Well I wanted to check the pokemon league out and these are my new friends. Meet Orion and Addison" Ash said

"Hey their" Addison said

"Sup dude" Orion said

"Nice to meet you guys I'm Gary Ash's childhood friend and Rival" Gary said

"Yeah he is. And say Gary we never got to battle when we got our starters so do you wanna battle" Ash said

"sure I could go for a good battle" Gary said as they got ready for the battle

"Well then I will be the referee okay" Orion said as he went in between them

"Alright then go Spearow" Gary said as he sent out his pokemon

"Well then what if we do a sky battle. Pidgey I choose you" Ash said as he threw Pidgey's pokeball

In the audience Ash's friends were watching the battle

"Why is Ash using Pidgey if his Pikachu has a type advantage" Addison asked Orion

"Well he wants all of his pokemon to get strong and if he gets to dependent Pikachu then if he goes against a trainer who uses its weakness he will be in a lot of trouble at least that's what I think as it happened to me before" Orion said

Back to the battle

"Alright Pidgey use gust" Ash said as Pidgey was sent a giant gust of wind that knocked Spearow back

"Spearow use gust as well" Gary said as Spearow did the exact same thing that Pidgey did which also knocked it back

"Now use quick attack" Ash said

"Spearow dodge it" Gary said as his Spearow try'd to dodge it but Pidgey was to fast and it couldn't dodge and Spearow then fainted

"Spearow is unable to battle so pidgey wins" Orion said

"Ah man well return Spearow and Go squirtle" Gary said as he returned Spearow to it's pokeball and took out another pokeball and threw it out

"Well pidgey let's continue to do this" Ash said

"Squirtle use water gun" Gary said

"Pidgey dodge" Ash said as his pokemon dodged the attack

"Now Pidgey use quick attack" Ash said as his pokemon charged at squirtle

"Squirtle grab onto Pidgey with bite" Gary said as his pokemon bites Pidgey and couldn't shake him off

"Now squirtle use water gun" Gary said as his pokemon got a direct hit do to it being locked onto Pidgey's wing with Its teeth

"and Pidgey is now unable to battle so the winner is Squirtle" Orion said

"Alright Pidgey return and now it's your turn Pikachu" Ash said as he returned Pidgey and sent Pikachu out from his shoulder

"Okay Pikachu use thunderbolt" Ash said as his Pikachu struck Squirtle down with it's lightning

"Well that was quick but Squirtle is unable to battle so Pikachu wins so the winner is Ash" Orion said

"Well good battle Ash" Gary said as the two shook hands

"Yeah good battle Gary" Ash said.

Then they heard clapping from a distance and it was revealed to be Lance who was the leader of the Elite four in Kanto and now the Johto Champion

"Wonderful battle you two just wonderful" Lance said while clapping

"Lance the Dragon master it's an honor to meet you" Ash said in excitement

"I was just packing the last of my stuff to move to the Johto region when I saw you two battling and you showed great battling techniques for being what seems to be beginners in a Pokemon trainer" Lance said as he stopped clapping

"Well thank you Lance we've been practicing how to be pokemon trainer's since we were little" Gary said

"Well a tournament will happen that will make the next Pokemon League Kanto Champion and I hope that you two participate as well and a gift for making such a great battle here I have something for you both" Lance said as he took two eggs out

"A good friend of mine gave me one of them and the other was given to others from my clan and I would love to give them to you both" Lance said "Well then let's take one Gary" Ash said as he took an egg that was orange with flames as Gary took a blue and white egg

"Thanks a lot Lance" Gary said

"well I hope you both will be great trainer's" Lance said as he walked away

"Well I will be in my way as well so bye Ash" Gary said as he walked away

"so Ash where should we go next" Orion said

"Well to enter that championship I am going to have to get my badges so first off is to

Pewter city" Ash said as him and the gang walked away

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