Chapter 9: The Guardian Of The Forest

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(I Do Not Own Pokemon)

Ash and his friends were currently walking threw a forest

"Hey Orion are we lost" Ash said

"Well no I know where we're going after all I say we go left" Orion said

"Orion you said to go left 4 times and I believe we have been going in a circle this whole time because we have passed this lake before" Addison said

"Okay well maybe we're a little lost" Orion said

"Seriously Orion" Ash said

"Okay I haven't been to Kanto before, I just got here by blimp from Unova like a few days ago" Orion said

"Orion we could've gotten a map at the Pokemon center but you decided to say 'we don't need a map I'll lead the way'" Ash said

"Okay I know that It's my fault and I'm sorry" Orion said

"Sorry isn't gonna help us get out of here now is it" Addison said

"Okay I get it it's my fault were lost" Orion said

They then heard rustling from the bushes

"Hey what was that" Ash said as he went to the sound

Ash then opened the bush and saw a Bulbasaur drinking some water

"Awesome a Bulbasaur. I'm gonna catch it" Ash said as he threw a pokeball at bulbasaur

The Bulbasaur then knocked it back and it hit Ash in the face

"Ow what the hell" Ash said

"Bulbasaur there you are" A Girl Said as she picked Bulbasaur

"Bulbasaur there you are" A Girl Said as she picked Bulbasaur

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(This was her)

"Flora! Is that you" Ash said

"Ash! Oh my gosh it's been so long" Flora said as she hugged Ash

"Um Ash would you mind introducing us" Orion said

"Oh right this is Flora she's an old friend of Mine from when I was younger" Ash said

"Well then I'm Orion" Orion said

"And I'm Addison. Were Ash's New friends" Addison said

"Well it's nice to meet the both of you" Flora said

"Say is that Bulbasaur yours" Orion said

"Well not exactly, Bulbasaur here is actually the protector of this forest" Flora said

"Wait, why is Bulbasaur the protector? I mean aren't there like stronger Pokemon around here that could do better. You know like a Butterfree or a gloom" Orion said

"Well most Pokemon don't know how to fight well until their caught but Bulbasaur here was released by his trainer" Flora said

"Wait his trainer released him" Ash said

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