Abhi's love 💖

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The car reached kholi mansion and prachi came out of the car in anger and rushed towards the maindoor..

" prachi listen.. Prachi.... Stop.. " ranbir was walking behind prachi in anger..

" what? What do you want to say Mr. Kholi.. That iam not proper in my work.. Do you really think that i was flirting with Mr.Thakur in the meeting hall ? " prachi said disgusted..

" No!! Prachi.. When did I said those things ?? I know you will never do that.. "

" Then what was the need to beat him in front of others and create a scene there.you were looking like a rowdy. I too knew that he was flirting with me but still I was patient. I didn't respond to his flirting aka speech in front of others . Then what was the need for you to respond . You are not a college student to behave like that.. " prachi shouted.

"  Do you really think that he was just flirting with you? Didn't you notice his face when speaking? I can't remain patient like you.. What ever you want you can think but i will never apologize to him nor anyone. I'll never regret it. Next time.. If i catch him doing like this.. I will surely do something that won't be good for him. " ranbir marched towards. to his room..

"can't you just stop acting like a overprotective husband? "  prachi shouted

In reply prachi only got the sound of the vase which was broken by him in anger..

Prachi couldn't control her tears.. How will she explain him that she can understand him but this can't be applied in practical life.. Because, there will always be someone like this.. We could never avoid this sort of people..Today If prachi didn't stop him at the right time, someone would have called the police and ranbir would have ended up in jail. The entire media would make a joke out of him spoiling his image. Their parents would have also suffered seeing him in jail. It's really getting difficult for her to handle him in these stuffs.

All these thoughts made prachi cry.she walked towards the kitchen.

She sat down on the floor sobbing catching her knees in the kitchen.

Just then her phone vibrated indicating "papa" .

Prachi's reaction changed immediately as she have to act normal infront of him which is really difficult...

For a minute, prachi thought not to pick a call. Just then she remembered that then her father will call their driver or office to actually know where am I. Then he'll  come to know what happened in office..

So,  Prachi wiped her eyes and gulped down the water from the glass and took the phone.

" hello" she said in a broken voice

She couldn't change her voice..

" Pari, are you fine??" abhi's worry was clearly visible in his voice..

Prachi found it really difficult to lie go him now.. If he gets a doubt then he would come to Delhi immediately..

" papa.. Of course! Iam fine.. " prachi tried hard to control her tears..

" pari!! " his voice was really soft now. This thing made her cry even more..

Just then prachi's vision started to blur.. She immediately caught the wall near her.

" i...iam fi..fine.. " prachi stressed herself to say something..

" prachi, i don't think you are fine there! Speak up.. " abhi said with a straight face..

Even before replying him prachi fainted.

Abhi was really confused as he didn't get anything.. So he thought to cut the call and reconnect with her but just then he heared a voice.

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